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At the hospital

Me and Mirko weren't hurt as bad but we did get hurt since we were the first to find the nomu. The also help my hearing and other stuff from training. We spent only one day in there. The boys were in another room. I was really worried about them. "Hey kid we're leaving at night so take spend as much time as you can with your hoes." Mirko smirked at me. "HOES!" I put my hands on my hips. "Well I can't really tell if you like any of them. But you definitely have some sort of effect on them." I was kinda confused by what she said. "Plus tomorrow we train and the next day you have to go back home. So I suggest you talk to your friends." I nodded at her. "Hey! You still need to eat you breakfast!" She pointed.

After beck fest

I didn't go in tell after I knew the boys were done with there serious conversation. They started laughing before I walked in. "Hey pretty boys what are you guys laughing at!" I opened the door. "Todoroki thinks his cursed for breaking people's hands!" Midoriya said laughing. "Aww poor baby" I said rubbing Todoroki hair. Wow his hairs soft. I started petting his hair. "Y/n what are you doing?" He asked me. "Your hairs so soft shoto! Can I play with it" I said smiling. "Yeah sure. If you want." He said all shy. "Is his hair really soft y/n" Midoriya asked me. "Yeah come feel" I said holding a piece of hair. "I want to feel too" iida said. (I'm so sorry I just realized I've been spelling his name lida instead or iida🤦‍♀️) We all started petting his hair. "Wait Midoriya your hairs so puffy I wanna feel it!" I said with puppy eyes. "E-eh sure!" He said all flustered. I stared playing with Midoriya hair too. "Iida your turn come here" I ordered him lower. I started petting his hair too. "This is so much fun" I smiled and looked over at Todoroki. He wasn't looking at me. He seemed kinda petty or maybe mad? I stopped petting their hair. "But I like Shotos hair better" I started petting him again. I whispered in his hair "jealousy is a good look on you." He turned his head to me. I started laughing a little and he got all flustered. Midoriya and iida looked really confused.
After a while it started to get dark. Mirko came in the room. "Hey kid guess what I got you a new bunny costume!" She started showing it off. All the boys started turning red. "Do I have to where that?" I tried to cover it. "Yes now go get changed we got to leave soon. "Your going back to you internship?" Iida asked me. "Yeah but I'll only have tomorrow to learn more things about fighting." I put my hand on my other arm. "Well you get changed use their bathroom!" She pointed at the bathroom. I shamefully walked over to the bathroom. Mirko is so weird making me wear this. I got down and walked out the bathroom. I covered my chest feeling weird about it. "Now give me a little spin!" She started trying to twirl me. "Doesn't she got the nicest thighs and ass! Man I wish I had that body at your age" she put her hand on her hips. My face was really red. "Sorry guys but we should get going" Mirko said. "Bye Midoriya, Iida, and bye Shoto." I waved at them.

Another road trip

"So wanna tell me which one is the guy?" She smirked at me. "For the last time their is no guy. I'm more focused on becoming better." I looked out the window. She sighed. "Oh can you believe Endeavor is taking credit for stain!" She yelled angry. "Really but I thought that the boys and Native did it" I asked confused. "Actually it was only the boys but because they don't have license they could go to jail." "Really! But they could have gave the credit to you or anyone else." "I know right oh well better keep trying to get to the top."

The next day

The next day we woke up early and left to train. We trained fighting skills and techniques. She also showed me had to jump around with my quirk. And how to not use all my air in different stuff. We made it to 20 screams with the headphones. And I didn't even go deaf, I just got worn out. By the end of the day I was able to kick a tree down with my quirk on my feet. I also could almost punch a hole in the tree without my quirk. We were both shocked at how fast I was able to get all this down in one day. Before we knew it was the end of the day. "Okay so we're going to be doing a half day of training tomorrow. Then I'll be seeing you off." I got really disappointed. I was going to miss her. "Hey kid don't get sad you can always visit me. Here you can even have my number." She took my phone and dialed her number. "Thanks Mirko!" I smiled at her. "And you better call me when you get with one of those boys and tell me who!" She ordered. I laughed at how silly it was.

The next day

There wasn't much to train. We worked more on moves and got to 27 screams. I could hop around like she did. Her instance training really helped and you could tell some day she would be in the top 10 maybe even 5. It was near that time when I had to leave. "Mirko do I really have to go home in this?" "Yes it means I trained you well it's my trophy and yours!" I had to leave a little earlier than all the other internship due to traveling. Before I got on the train I had to hug her. I jumped into her arms and almost started tearing up. "Bye kid. Remember to call once you get a cute dude or if you ever need anything at all." She hugged me back. "I'll see you around Mirko!" I waved bye to her. When I got on the train I did get a lot of stares due to the stupid bunny costume. But I wore it with pride because Mirko would do the same. When I got back home I had to walk home. I still had lots of stares but of course people didn't really question. When I got home my sister made me take it off or she would beat me out of it.

Thanks for STILL reading 😭❤️

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