After the particals

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After the exams still practical day though.

Midoriya and bakugo had to go to the nurse cuz almight broke their bones. I didn't really watch any more battles after mine. When I was starting to walk home someone stopped me. "Hey y/n" I heard shoto say behind me. "Hey what's up" I smiled. "I heard you...." he looked away. "Well are you present mikes secret love child or something. You both have some what similar screams do you not." He said serious I had a feeling that's not what he was going to say but I played along. I started laughing. "Haha what's with you and secret love children! No I'm not!" I kept laughing. "It was just a question" he said all shy. "Aww shoto your adorable so who else do you have suspicions about" we kept talking until he had to go a different way and I did too. "Bye Shoto see you tomorrow!" I waved at him.

Next day

"This is going to be great I'm so glad we're all going together" Ojiro says. "I'm going to train so much! Yay!" I say punching the air. "Uhh most people were looking forward to the fun stuff" Sero says. "Training is fun silly papi" I responded back. "Guys since we're off tomorrow and we finally finished exams I have the perfect idea. Why doesn't class 1-A go shopping together!" Hagakure gets all eager. "Hey yeah we've never hung out as a class before" Denki says. "Oh Hagakure you beautiful invisible mind! Your a genius!" I said hugging her. "Bakugo see you there right" Kiri asks him. " I can't find anything more annoying" he hasn't meet my little brother obviously.

At the mall cuz school sucks and that how the episode goes

"Oh my gosh someone could kidnap me if I'm not careful" I said sarcastically. Then my three favorite boys started forming a circle around me. "Not if we have something to say about it" Kiri, Denki, and Sero all said in unison. I started laughing. "Woah aren't those class 1-A students!" Some people noticed us and got excited. I started giggling at that "hi boys are you fans." They all started acting like they died. "I wanna get a new duffel bag for training camp" Jirou said to Momo. "Oh yeah well maybe we should look together" Momo says. "Aha I figured it out Yaoyorozu!" I sayed pointing. "What are you talk about crazy lady! Come on let's go shopping" she said pulling me. "Kiri wants us back around 3 don't forget or he and the squad will go on a search party" I said laughing. "Wanna try some swimsuits y/n" she asked with an evil smirk. "Shopping with you is always a bad idea you know" I said as she pulled my arm. "Don't worry I'll get you the sexiest stuff ever!" She pulled out a tiny bikini. "Ahh no thanks!" I tried to run but she just had to catch me. After a while of looking she made me try on this really tiny bikini. I walked out the changing room. "Ma'am I'm not a stripper you know!" (Fully respect them though. They got money). "Your so hot y/n" she said right next to two boys. I quickly covered myself. "Who are they!" I walked into the dressing room. "Oh my boyfriend and his friend. They just happened to be here crazy right!" She smiled looking through the curtain. "You not going to leave with him right" I asked. "Of course not silly. Hey we should have a double date his friends kinda cute right" she looked so eager. "I'm kinda into someone else" I started blushing but she was out of the room. I guess I have to put up with this.

After a while of shopping

We were at the food court sitting at the tables. "Mina can you get me a something to drink" her boyfriend said giving her cash. "Sure babe I'll be right back" she left me alone. Her boyfriend whispered into his friends ear and then he left. We had to sit their alone. I got a kinda weird vibe from him like he was really suspicious. "You know you got a great body. I saw you in the swimsuit earlier" he started putting his hand on my thigh and rubbing it. "What are you doing!" I scooted away. "You now your so much prettier than that alien girl" he started moving his hand up my shorts. "Stop that! She gorgeous what's wrong with you!" He kept on and started fiddling with my underwear. I kept trying to push him away. "Hey mi amor is this guy bothering you" I heard Sero voice. He was standing with Kiri and Kanimari. "Ye-" "no we are just having some fun" he smiled. "Sorry but I'd like you to get your hands off my girlfriend" Sero said grabbing my hand. I knew he was only lying since he saw me as his little sister. "Woah man I didn't know she was yours I'm sorry!" He stood up. "Here baby I got your drink" Mina ran up. I was really scared to face her so I just curled up in Sero chest. He could tell I was ashamed. "Wait Mina this guys your boyfriend" Kirishima said. "Yeah is something wrong" she looked confused the over at me. "Y/n are you okay" she ran over to me. "Shes not okay because of that ass hole" Denki pointed at her boyfriend. "Tried to force his way into her pants and not only that tried to cheat on you" Sero said. She looked really shocked. The dude didn't even seem faced at all he just stood their. She kept looking at me and him. "I think it's time we start meeting up with the class" she started walking to the entrance. The guy walked away unharmed. "Mina are you okay" Kiri asked. She smiled "why wouldn't I be let's just go. Was she in denial.

When we got to the spot we found out Midoriya had encountered a villain. Of course everyone was worried about him so we all let the thing that happened to Mina go. I was really worried about her even though I was feeling awful. She didn't know my past so I can't blame her for not thinking it was a big deal for me. But it was I was scared. I didn't really know who to talk about his with so I just went to someone who knew. *knock knock* the door opened. A girl with white hair and glasses appeared. "Oh who are you" she asked me. "Is Shoto here" I asked looking down. "Yeah his in his room. SHOTO!" He walked out. "Yeah who's at the door" he asked. He looked at me and I think he figured it out because I wasn't smiling. "I just need a shoulder right now if that's okay" I kept my head down. He pulled me to his chest. "Sorry I didn't know who to go to. My sister would freak if she knew what happened" I started clenching to the back of his shirt. "What happened" we stayed on the porch and I told him everything. He seemed kinda mad at the fact Mina didn't do anything. I couldn't blame her she was just in shock. "Do you think I did something to maybe like give him the vibe I was into him" I asked looking down. "How many times do I have to tell you. No one asks for it his just a horn dog bastard" he said looking intense at me. I don't know why but all the sudden I just wanted him. I pulled him by his collar and I did something I didn't mean to do. I kissed him.

Well I'm not gonna lie I was kinda cringing at this but you know I'm still writing this.

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