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After the weekend

Two weeks until the sports festival. Everyone started training their hardest. Some practiced together and others worked solo. While everyone worked on the weekness and strength, y/n started training in battle strategy and making her voice able to handle without the restraints.

Morning of the festival

Days past easy with all the training everyone had done. Then it was the morning of the festival. "Y/N WAKE YOUR LAZY A$$ UP!" "HINITA WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CUSSING" "I'm up I'm up" y/n says still asleep. Then she realized what day it was. " ITS CORONATION DAY wait wrong show" she got up and was out the door faster then flash. "Wait you doodle head you breakfast!" "I'll get something on the way love you"

At the school

"Hey y/n there you are" Mina runs up to her. They both get ready and meet up with there class mates. "Everyone get your game faces on we're entering the arena soon" Lida yells at everyone. "Here we go" y/n says to herself. "Midoriya." Hey I know that voice. "Uh hey Todoroki what's up" Midoriya asks. Everyone starts staring at them both. "From an objective stand point I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you" he says bluntly. "Um yeah" "However you've got almight in your corner helping you out." Wow is Midoriya the one he was talking about. "I'm not her to pry on what's going on between you two, but know that I'll beat you." Why is he being so scary towards him. I would definitely be lying if I said it wasn't hot but, why him and not me or Bakugo. "Hey what's the big deal why are you picking a fight all the sudden" Kirishima puts his hand on Todoroki shoulder. "We're not here to be friends don't forget this isn't a team effort" he says and walks away. "Wait a sec Todoroki, I don't know what's going through your head, or why you think you need to tell me that you need to defeat me. And yeah of course your better than me and have way more potential then anyone in the hero course. That's why you got in so easily." Midoriya says. "Midoriya maybe your being a little hard on yourself and us" Kirishima says. "No his right you guys, all the other courses their coming for us with everything they got. We're all going to have to fight to stand out. And I'll be aiming for the top too." Midoriya eyes fire up. "Fine" Todoroki responses. That's really intense.

Time has come

"Class 1-A" The class walked out of the tunnels. "I'm not as nervous anymore." Y/n says to her self. Present mic continues to introduce every class. They all walk towards Midnight. Most the crowd start fawning over her. "Someone should talk to miss Midnight about what she's wearing" Kirishima says a little flustered. "That costume should come with a warning" Denki says. "Is that really appropriate apparel for a high school game" Tokoyami also says. "Silence everyone and for the pledge we have katsuki bakugo" Midnight yells. Oh dear can this please be over. "I'm just gonna, ima win." Then all of class 1-A was freaking out. I knew it. God I wish we could just skip this. "Without further a-dew it's time for us to get started" oh thank god. "The first game of the festival is obstacle race."

Race time cuz I'm lazy😋

Okay it's an obstacle course that parts easy. I can just force my way threw easy. I also can't show to much of my quirk. This should be a little challenge I got this. "Begin!" First run until you see any changes. Run like you run on the bases in softball. Oh no it's as crowded like when the school got on lock down. Wait I can't be thinking of this now just gotta get above everyone. As I jumped onto someone ice started to appear. Of course it was him Ill just ice skat my way in front. Bakugo, Momo and a few others used their quirks to get in front. Another stupid move. "I won't let you get away to easily you icy hot bastard" bakugo yells. Dear lord all my class mates are showing there quirks. Only a few are. I'm glad my sister bugged me to do ice skating. I'm getting closer now I can run behind him. "Haha I've out smarted you Todoroki eat this" "Mineta seriously how is he almost getting in front of me." *bunk* whoa little dudes flying. Robots. I've never fought this robots so my best bet is to use someone else to get past them. I'll use Todoroki since his quirk has been shown. Sorry buddy but I need you to be a doll and get these things out the way. Besides his acting cocky right now. And it's so damn hot 🥵. Perfect an ice castle now to go under while it's still in place. You maybe smart but I'm smarter Shoto. "Shoto Todoroki pulling into the lead from class 1-A. And another one of his classmates following him y/n Kuki." "What" Todoroki looks behind him. "Hey hot stuff pay attention to the front the others could be following. He freezes my path. I start ice skating again. "You seem a little frustrated but I suggest we hurry someone gaining on both of us" "I don't need your help." Poor guy he thinks I'm helping him. I'm using him. The next challenge is a fall. I could keep using Todoroki but he seems to have noticed. So now I'll do it on my own.

Sorry it keeps getting longer I'm trying to get a lot of details. Thanks😘

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