Back story

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Break time

"Hey y/n good job at first" Yaoyorozu said smiling at me. "Oh thanks your not mad that I took your spot right" I ask curious. "No I'm not you did great" she said reassuring me. "Oh by the way do you know where Todoroki is" I asked. "No I haven't seen him" she said. "I'll go look for him" I say . "I'm sure his fine y/n" she says looking around. "Well just to make sure right" I say smiling. "Okay but be careful" she waves goodbye to me. I start walking the the other entrances think he got confused on where to go. While I was looking I saw him talking to Midoriya. Better hide so they don't get mad.
Their convo
"So you brought me here now what" Midoriya said. Oh my god could they be fooling around! "We should probably eat soon the cafeteria is going to be busy" Midoriya says kinda scared. So their not ducking? "I was overwhelmed and it made me break the promise I made to myself a long time ago"Todoroki finally says. Is he talking about him using his fire? "Lida and Kanimari, Tokoyami and Uraraka none of them felt it. Me and y/n where the only one that could sense your true power. It reminded me of something, something as in almights quirk." Todoroki says. I was kinda suspicious about that too. "Oh yeah okay is that all" Midoriya looks nervous. "I'm saying the power coming from you is the same as almights" Todoroki says making Izuku more nervous. My face was in complete shock. I mean does he really think that. "Midoriya tell me..." Tell him what! "are you really almights secret love child or something" Todoroki asks with a serious face. What the duck did he just say! I almost started to laugh but then my cover would be blown. That's so adorable though! "Well are you" he asks again. "What no that's not it at all, well I guess if I said he wasn't you probably won't believe me, but anyways you got the wrong idea believe me. And why would you even think that about me?" "That's not it at all is interesting wording it suggests that there is something between you two that your not supposed to talk about." Man his smart and right Midoriya is definitely close to almight some how. "My father is the hero Endeavor, you must of heard of him, which means your aware his the number two hero. So if your connected to the number one hero, Almight in some way, that would mean that have even more reason to beat you." I hate to agree but of course they would both try to beat each other to make their mentors proud. "My old man is ambitious he aims for the top. He used his power to make a name for himself as a hero but he was never was able to best almight, so the leaving piece is proof of his failure. He's still at is though, trying to take down almight one way or another." "I'm not really sure at what your getting at. What are you trying to tell me Todoroki?"In my mind at that moment I thought he looked up to his dad but boy was I dead wrong. "Have you ever heard of quirk marriages? They became a problem after super powers became wide spread. Their were those who sought out mates in order to make powerful children. Many people were forced together, they were simply viewed as old fashion arrange marriages, but clearly it was un-ethical." He continued on. "He bought my mother to get his hands on her quirk, and now his raising me to take down almight." As I heard his words I nearly started crying. Maybe because he seemed to hate his dad or the fact one of the hero's I loved was awful. "It's so annoying. I refuse to be a tool for that scum bag. And every memory of my mother I only see her crying. I removed she called my left side un-bearable before she poured boiling water on my face." I covered my mouth and feel silently to the ground. I had realized his childhood was as bad as mine. I could tell Izuku was as shocked as I was. "The reason I picked a fight with you was to show my old man what I was capable of doing. With out having to rely on his damn fire quirk. I'm going to show him I reject his power and I can take first place without using it." I can't bug in but I just know what his thinking is wrong. He starts walking away passed me. "Your obviously connected to almight but you won't tell me about it no matter how forceful you come at me I will defeat you using only my right side I can assure you of that. Come on y/n." "Eh y/n?" I stood up and ran towards his side. We walked silence for the most part. "I'm sorry eavesdropping" I said looking down. "I knew you were their the whole time, so I wanted you both to hear" he said still walking. "Are past really aren't that much deferent you know" she said looking forward. "How so" he asks me. "My sister started raising me and my brother two years ago. Our parents really weren't the best either. They were villains. My mom a psycho drug addict, my dad a cold hearted rapist and abused people." We had both stoped near a bench and sat there. "Your dad didn't rap or abuse you right?" Todoroki asked hoping for a no. Well he wouldn't get a no. I looked down, "he abused my brother and forced my sister to run away, and he did worse things to me because I was trying to protect my brother all the time. He did rap me and made my mother watch which made her angry at me. She'd always say I was stealing him and I was a slut, and she would beat my constantly sometimes even drug me," a tear fell down my cheek. He looked at me considered. "You don't have to tell me all this stuff" he said trying not to look at me. "I want to and I want us to be friends that can talk to each other. I wasn't finished. My sister finally came to safe us with hero's by her side. That's why I wanna be a hero to save kids in situations like that. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't traumatized by it all. I often think it's my fault for everything that I was asking for it by being so innocent and little." Before I could say anything else Todoroki grabbed my shoulders. "How can a innocent little girl be asking for it. Nobody deserves that at all." He had a very serious gaze that gave me goose bumps. "Your gonna be a great hero and save many kids you can. Your so strong being able to continue to smile." He said still holding onto my shoulders. When he said that the tears started to fall. I never talked to anyone about my past and it really helped. I wrapped my arms around him and started crying in his chest. He soon hugged me back. I looked up at his scar. I put my had on it forgetting what all was going on. He started to blush then I realized what I was doing. "Uh w-we should start heading back now" I say pulling away. "Right" he said looking away from me.

Are you guys really only friends "sure"😂
Thanks for reading ❤️

Our Story { Todoroki x Reader}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें