Experience 😱

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Later that afternoon

That morning I trained my heart out, near lunch time we were patrolling and then I couldn't walk due to the hard training. Near 5 in the afternoon I woke up. My hearing was almost completely back. I can heal really fast it's one of my many talents. When I got up I fixed my costume that Mirko loves so much and but it bake on. She must have went to patrol or talk to the police about the robbers. It's kinda weird that two of my class mates are here. Endeavor is probably after the hero killer and lida maybe got a good offer at an agency here. "Oh kid your awake can you hear me?" Mirko asked. "Oh yeah Im all better now my hearing is still not good though but I can hear some" I smiled and pointed at my ears. "Training tomorrow should be as hard I promise it'll get easier" she said. "I think today's training really helped me develop a lot. Your really amazing Mirko!" I smiled at her in my bunny suit. She had some blush on her face and looked surprised. "Your to cute you know that!" She started hugging me.

Out on patrol

"How long we'll we be out again?" I asked. "Well I want to see if I could find stain so I don't know yet. Maybe till 10 ish." (Y'all remember when your favorite restaurant was open at this time😭)
After a while of patrol or just roaming the streets trying to find one guy. "Ugh trying to investigate is so tiring!" Mirko whined. "Maybe if the dude spilled some blood I would know where he is." Then all the sudden her ears popped up. "What is it Mirko" I asked. "Some kind of monsters!" She started running and I started after her. We got to the place she heard and saw some sort of Nomu but multiple. I covered my mouth when I saw them hurting people. "Nomu?" I looked shocked and scared. "Hey y/n forget stain and go look for people to help out around here, and make sure people stay away from this area go now!" She ordered me. I got out of shock and started running. What are the league of villains doing here? Could they be working together! When I was running I warned some people and got some back up. I kept looking for others just in case. I don't know when but I decided to go back to help Mirko. When I got their she was covered in a lot of blood. She noticed I was there when I tried to help her. "STAY BACK KID! See if you can find trapped civilians and help out a little if you can!" She ordered me again. Everything felt like it was on fire and bloody. It looked like hell, literally hell. I continued my way to look for some people. Then something pushed me into a wall and broke it. It started towards me. "KID!" Mirko couldn't save me so I had too. I knew Mirko didn't want me to use air fist but I had no choice. I tried to fight back as long as I could. More hero's came to help. When I was still trying to fight the nomu with some back up. Lida mentor was looking for him. I couldn't stop to help. I got tossed again by the nomu at someone's feet. "Y/n!" "Midoriya when did you get here?" He helped me up. "I-I what are these things" his reaction was the same as mine. "I don't know, but you gotta listen go look for lida he went off on his own he could be hurt or worse with the killer stain." I told him. I was pretty sure he heard his mentor just now anyways. "And do me a favor tell me when you know Shotos okay got it!" I yelled pushing him to go. "I won't let you down y/n!" He ran. "Please stay safe boys" I said. I looked over and saw Mirko pretty beat up. "These damn things don't rest!" Tons of hero's we're getting scared and worried. "Mirko! Are you all right?" I ran up to her. "I'm fine what about you kid" she looked at me. I was beat up too but was still able to fight. I helped her up and we went back at it. As far as I could tell their were only three and a lot of hero's. I can't scream because I might hurt those around me and I don't want that. I tried little screams but not to big screams. They didn't budge at all. Me and Mirko kept trying along with the very few hero's left. The monsters kept destroying and killing everything in sight. After what felt like a year of trying Endeavor showed. I got blown to the ground when he was fighting so I thought I would look for shoto. "Anyone who's quirk isn't suited for this go help on echo street" he said about to leave. "Wait Endeavor where's Shoto!" I said really scared I didn't want the answer. "Echo street" he then left. "Y/n?" Mirko ran up to me. "Are you okay your not hurt right!" She looked all over at me. "Echo street!" "What?" "We need to go I might have an idea where stain is!" We where both badly hurt and bleeding but I knew they needed help. I had a feeling Midoriya found lida and Todoroki. We both ran as fast as we could. (Alright I know Mirko actually wasn't in Husu but let me just have this because I love her)
We got there a head of everyone else. And I saw Todoroki. "SHOTO, MIDORIYA, LIDA, your all okay!" I yelled and ran towards Todoroki. I jumped at him and hugged him so tight. "Thank god you guys are all okay!" "What the hell! You already caught him you brats!" Mirko yelled. You looked behind Todoroki and saw the hero killer stain. After that all the some more hero's came and called an ambulance and police. Mirko on the other hand was sulking major even though her injuries we're getting pretty bad too. "Hey y/n are you okay you seem kinda beat up" Midoriya asked me. I hugged Midoriya too. "Sorry I should've said thank you earlier. You didn't let me down Midoriya." I smiled at him with some water works kinda coming. Lida started to walk our way. "You guys. You were both hurt because of me. I'm truly sorry, I was just so angry I couldn't see anything else." Lida bowed at those Midoriya and Todoroki. "I'm sorry too lida. You were going though so much by yourself, but I couldn't tell if anything was wrong. Even though I'm your friend." I saw lida really sad so I made him stand straight and I hugged him. He started crying on my shoulder. "Hey pull yourself together your the class rep." Todoroki said. I glared at him. "It okay lida you can let it out now" I looked at him and smiled. "No Todoroki right." He lifted his head and stopped hugging me. "But really y/n why are you wearing that bunny out fit?" Lida asked. Then Midoriya blushed just now noticing it. Todoroki mind: because who wouldn't want a hero we blood all over her in a bunny costume. It really hot. "Also is your hearing better?" Lida asked again. "Oh yeah it ju- "Uh GET DOWN!" The short man yelled. I looked over but Mirko was already got my close to her chest. When I looked up the nomu got Midoriya. "Midoriya!" Me and others yelled. "It's bleeding it must be trying to eascape!" Mirko yelled. Then all the sudden someone licked Mirko cheek that had the nomus blood. Then the nomu started to the ground and stain was running towards it. "The word Hero has lost all meaning to this society! The world is over run by fakes and criminals like you who chase petty dreams!" The villain had killed the nomu. "You must all be purged." Midoriya was still there. When I looked up to check on Midoriya. I couldn't move I was clutching onto Mirko really tight. "Agh ever thing I do is to create a stronger society" no one could move at all. Mirko put her fist up ready to fight. But I was still holding onto her. "Why are you all standing around like fools the villain must have flown this way right!" Endeavor finally showed up and noticed stain. As he was getting ready to fight stain the old man stoped him. "Wait Todoroki!" He yelled. Stain got up and looked at us all or mainly Endeavor. "You false hero!" At that moment no one moved. Everyone was to afraid no they were terrified. What made me more scared was that Mirko was shaking. "These streets must run with the blood of Hippocrates! HERO I WELL RECLAIM THAT WORD! COME ON JUST TRY AND STOP ME YOU FAKES! There is only one man I'll let kill me, he is a true hero! ALMIGHT IS WORTHY!" Those few sentences scared everyone who was standing in that street. Some couldn't move, some fell to the ground, and some stepped away. Then it was like he was gone. " I think his out cold" Endeavor said. Lida, Todoroki, and I all feel to the ground still trembling. No one said a word or even moved.

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