My mother once told me that we all have Big Things, but only a few have their One Big Thing. Many people die before they experience their One Big Thing, so some fob off a Big Thing as their One Big Thing.

My mother also said, though, that sometimes, the Spirit of the Thing would come to your aid, if they deemed you were to be one to have a One Big Thing. I suspected that the Spirit had come to my aid. Perhaps I was deserving of One Big Thing?

"Miss Murphy?" called the nurse. I raised my hand and stood to follow her.

"State o'you!" she exclaimed, going over my records. "Some Irishwoman you are, Miss Murphy! Gallavanting all over the world, fighting crime bosses and mafia men."

"You're Irish, ma'am?" I said, confused.

"Well yes, I'd reckon I am. And so are you, I believe?" I nodded.

"Well, it's nice to see a sister this far from home, eh?" The nurse chuckled and held open the door to an office, that contained a baby blue chair and examination materials.

"Wait in here for Dr. Delta, alright?" I nodded again and sat on the chair, already dreading the Doctor.

When the door opened, I exhaled and sat up; the doctor was a nice old Indian man, holding a clipboard, with a kind face.

"Good evening, Miss Murphy. My name is Dr. Francis Delta, and I specialize in brain-based magic. Are you familiar with this type of magic?"

"No, sir. I've never met a Brain-Magic before." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"Well, I'd say it works similarly to your art-based magic. I can manipulate things around me. And like you artsy people, I can really only use specific elements, although I can do a bit with different stuff. Make sense so far?"

I nodded. "I'm a Potter, but I can do the basics of moving things like paint or paster around," he nodded understandingly.

"Well, I myself specialize in tissues. I can move plants, and sometimes even people." I shivered at the thought of this. "And, I mainly use my mind, guided by my hands. Sound OK?" I nodded.

"So, I'm going to try to reinvigorate your jiwa using my magic. Are you OK with this?"

"Yes," I said. "But, I need to know that you won't do anything that you shouldn't." Dr. Delta nodded.

"I swear I will not harm you in any way, Miss Murphy. Please follow me."

Soon, I was laying on a medical cot. Dr. Delta stood over me, preparing to heal me. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths.

"Ok, you may feel a slight tingling," he warned. I flashed a thumbs-up and folded my arms at my sides.

I could feel Dr. Deltas' tenaga surging through me. Searching for blockage, I assumed. He found it at the base of my spine. His energy quickly surrounded it, and I could feel my bones rearranging themselves.

I resisted the urge to scream.

"Easy now, Miss Murphy. Don't worry," I seethed and tried to calm down. Images flashed through my mind as the blockage to my jiwa was poked and prodded.

Myself, standing alone, about to exit the bathroom. Devi and Kelly, their hands on my brothers' shoulders. Myself in the hospital wing, Devi asleep in the chair beside me. Kelly and I were in the library, labeling and rearranging her paintbrushes. How long ago that seemed! I myself, talking to Jerry, in his slick red tux. Me and Dan, sharing a plate of buah together.

All of these images flashed by in a blur, each one tinged in a golden glow. Then, there was a pause. I reveled in the darkness. It felt so peaceful.

Then came another onslaught. I saw myself and someone, sitting on a grassy hill. I couldn't tell who I was sitting next to! I was shopping; my hair was in a bun and I was wearing a green polo and a blue skirt. I was walking and laughing with Kelly and Devi. It seemed to be in the near future. And now, I was dancing, my hand intertwined with the same blurry figure from the hill image. I admired my dress but didn't see it for long enough to capture the details. Then suddenly, I saw myself lying in bed, crying. People were trying to console me, to no effect. Behind the bed was a casket.

Each of these images was tinged with silver at the edges. I found this strange. What could the colors mean? Unless...could they correspond to the images themselves?

"Why?" I asked groggily, sitting up. I was back in the hospital bed. A smiling Dr. Delta stood over me, scribbling on a clipboard.

"Very well, Miss Murphy. Very well. How do you feel?" I managed to stand up and looked at him. He encouraged me with a nod of his head, so I took a step forward.

"I feel good, sir. Thanks." I stood up straight and put my hand out in front of me. An earthen jar, housing a potted plant, shivered, then expanded and contracted like a beating heart. It reminded me of when I had made the cactus statue. The planter finally stopped shaking, then it ballooned outwards, settling in the shape of a star.

I cried with happiness. My powers had returned!

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