"I don't know man, you know how he is. He only drops the bomb in front of everyone." Ten's voice dragged over the call. Johnny could almost hear him rolling his eyes.

Before Johnny could reply, the telephone on his desk started ringing, turning his attention back to his office.

"I gotta go now, guess I'll see you tonight."

"Unless I decide to ditch his ass."

"You don't have the balls to do that."

"I do too!" Ten scoffed as he heard Johnny chuckle at his own remark. "Bye fatass!"

Hanging up his cellphone, Johnny instantly picked up the telephone, putting it on speaker. "Yes?"

"Umm Mr Suh, I'm sorry to disturb you but there is a lady here to see you. She insisted that I call and ask you."

"Who is it?"

"She says her name is Rose." Johnny froze at the words of his employee. Could it really be her? There was no one else he knew who was addressed by that name, and only a few people knew the story behind it. Even if she was her, why would she come to see Johnny?

"Send her up."

Whether it was really her or not, Johnny needed to make sure himself. Otherwise, if he made the mistake of turning her away after their family's conquest of trying to find her for the past two years, half of them would be out for his blood.

Johnny tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for the girl to come to his office. He was both nervous and curious about this. Curious as to whether it was really her, and nervous wondering why she came to him. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a soft knock on the glass door of his office.

In she walked, taking the black cap off her head, giving Johnny a proper view of her face. His brows raised in shock and his mouth slightly ajar, he looked over at the girl they had been looking for relentlessly, standing right in front of him.

"Long time no see, Chicago."

Johnny stared at the smiling girl in front of him. Shocked beyond words, Johnny stood up, slamming his hands on the desk.

"What the fuck Yuna!" His scream was loud enough for anyone on the floor to hear, making Yuna's eyes go wide.

"Keep it down, will you? I don't need everyone finding out I'm here!" She scolded him, giving him a stern look. Yuna took a good look at Johnny. He had changed a lot the past few years. His once short brown hair was now longer and blonde. His frame broader, and he was also taller than she remembered.

"Where have you been all this time? When did you come back? Are you okay? Wait, what happened to your face? Did someone hit you? Does anyone else know you're back? Have you told Tae-"

"Enough! One question at a time." Yuna cut him off before he could complete his last question. She took a deep breath before replying, "I've been travelling all over the globe, nowhere in specific. I came back to Seoul five months ago. I'm fine, thank you for asking. My face is the courtesy of a squabble I got into with someone, which I've already dealt with. And lastly, no. Nobody knows I'm back, and I'd like for it to stay that way."

It took Johnny a few seconds to process all the information he just received. His focus, however, went to her last statement. "What do you mean you don't want anyone to find out? Why come to me if you don't want anyone finding out?"

Yuna brought her hands to her hips, bowing her head in embarrassment before answering his question. "Because I need your help. I'm broke."

Johnny snorted at her before replying, "You're not broke Yuna, you have over a billion dollars to your name."

"No, my family has over a billion dollars to their name. Me? I have nothing." She stated simply, as if it was enough for him to understand.

Johnny sighed, walking around the table to where she stood. He took a step to stand in front of her before asking her his next question. "Then why did you leave?"

"Because I needed to come up for air. And I couldn't do that while being trapped in the Mafia." Her disdain at the word clearly depicting her emotions towards it, Yuna gave him her answer.

Johnny felt bad for the girl. He knew how much she suffered and how being a member of the mafia had taken a toll on her. Part of him wanted to help her, but he knew that was not an option. Yuna might not have been as close to him as she was to the others, but she was still part of his family and he cared about her. More than her, he cared immensely about the people who would be effected by her well-being.

"I can't help you, I'm sorry." Johnny said, shaking his head. "I know you came to me knowing that I wouldn't try to stop you from leaving again, and I'm the last person anyone would expect for you to come to. But I can't betray my family, Yuna. You shouldn't either."

"I'm not their family anymore." She said, quietly. "I ran out on them. I broke the one rule that binds us all together. Never turn your back on family."

"Whether you consider us family or not, you're still family to us." Johnny replied, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. She looked at him, pleasantly surprised to see how he cared about her. Maybe she had assumed wrong, maybe Johnny did not just see her as an extension to the people he cared about. "I won't stop you from leaving. It's your choice. But I can't promise you that I won't tell anyone. They deserve to know. There are people who care about you and miss you. Your family has been worried about you, trying to find you. Especially him."

Yuna froze at Johnny's words. She expected some of her family to be worried about her and miss her, she was even sure about a few people. What she did not expect, however, was for the man she left to still be looking for her. Contrary to her own belief of having moved on, her heart skipped a beat when Johnny said that. He remembers her, and she was glad to hear that.

"Maybe he just wants to find me so that he can punish me. For breaking his rules." Yuna thought out loud, trying to reject the thoughts of him still wanting her. "I get that you're trying to help, but things between him and I are over and there's nothing left. It was nice seeing you again Johnny, but I have to go now."

She turned around, not giving him a chance to say goodbye. She did not want to stick around discussing her feelings for her ex-lover, with one of his best friends. Yuna had tried to shove him and her feelings for him, to the back of her mind. It was not something she wanted to revisit. However, the next words out of Johnny's mouth opened back the gateway of feelings and emotions she had shut away.

"He never stopped loving you."


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