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Sorry for taking so long to update this book. I promise I will try my best to work on this more than once every 2 months. Life has been hard but here it is! Anna is back!

Also I hope my writing got better between these two months. The paragraphs will definitely be longer than before.

This sunset was special. Not because I got to spend it with Anora and my son wrapped up in my arms or because I'd managed to wrangle Caius out of the spa a few hours earlier than he would have liked. No, this day, this morning is special because after months on end of no answers from Maeve I have her back in my mind. Her absence was the cause of my depression and now that she's here, with her daughter (don't know how that happens or the main reason why that girl is here but as long as she doesn't drag Maeve away from me into what more is inside my mind I'm okay with her.)

Watching the sunset with my mates is always a good time. They often find themselves in an argument by the end, but it's the effort that counts with those three.

Finding them anywhere around the island has been hard these days. Over the past week all of them have been shuffling off to do something together. When asked they deflect and deflect until I leave them alone about the matter. It's... frustrating to say the least. There's never a time where I don't trust them but I would like to know what they're doing sometimes or if I can be of assistance. Of course when I ask Aro he just gives me a look and asks me about my day. It just doesn't work anymore.

Now it seems that Heelie has joined them in their travels, although Anora seems just as confused as I am in where they're going. She's far more anxious than I am about her mate being somewhere she can't find, however. Not using her gift level anxious, but anxious enough that she needed to take a nap in my arms while we watched TV.

Beyond those moments, I allowed these sunsets to bring us peace amidst our chaos. Being a vampire has its ups and downs, but at least we have each other. Mates and soul children mean everything to covens, and it's a shame that some don't have that kind of comfort. People like Isabella Masen, who refuse to see common sense when faced with an issue regarding her biological child. It's just... sad. She's sad. She's a sad woman who has no idea what she's gotten herself into. Renesmee wasn't even her soul child, which must mean that she wasn't fit for children in the first place. Aro said the statistic was 80%-90% of all parents are their child's main soul parent these days and the rest are abusive assholes. His words, not mine.

Running my hand through Caius' recently cut hair, I watch the sun come down on the hill. Purples and pinks mixed with vibrant oranges and yellow mixed together to make a glorious picture that I'll be able to remember for the rest of eternity. Such sweet smells come from the air at this time of night. Vampire senses, of course, but the change is even present to some select humans who know how to appreciate the growing night sky.

"Mama?" Helios asked from beside me. I raised an eyebrow. "Can Nora and I walk back to the house? We're tired." "Of course, sweetie."

He sent me a winning smile and ran off into the night, his blonde mate running after him. They've always been such a sweet couple, able to work with each other for the betterment of our coven. During these years I've learned that Helios will do anything to keep his sweet mate happy. Anora does, no matter how sweet she can be, have her own way of being. She doesn't like to talk much and only goes out when she has to. Or when Heelie begs her for long enough. Nora reminds me so much of Rose that its scary, although Nora doesn't like in-person shopping and prefers to get everything online.

I was taken out of my head by a chuckle. Turning my head, I saw Marcus fiddling around with his phone. Those three and their phones, I swear. It's like we can't have a normal night without them. I should be blaming Afton and Jane for that one though, they were the first ones out of the coven to beg for smartphones. Now everyone has them and plays flappy bird and other games during their free time.

𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒, Volturi KingsWhere stories live. Discover now