Chapter 6 - the stabbing.

Start from the beginning

"Wait what I thought we were going into the maze?" Newt answered with a trembling voice.

"No we are going on the maze not in the maze" I said winking at them both.

I showed them how to swing onto the wall giving them a demonstration as there isn't any where to practise.

"I'll go first so I can catch you if you look like your going to go over the wall if going to fast" I say already waiting on the maze wall.

I waited for Newt to go next. He looked a little nervous but I believed in him that he could do it. Newt landed perfectly as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Minho was next and he was confident as hell...he swung over so fast that I had to stop him by grabbing his hips to pull him back from going over the wall where he would plunge for his death. Newt and I let out the biggest laugh making fun of him for the fact that he thought he would land smoothly but nearly went to far and cracked his head open.

"What now?" Asked Minho trying to change the subject.

I pulled up my planks of wood that were screwed together to make a 10 metre plank for us to cross each wall. I placed it down for us all to cross, on repeat.

"Wait so your telling me we got all the way to section 4 in less that 15 minutes when it usually takes me a whole day." Minho said completely shocked with his mouth wide open making an o shape.

"Yep...this way to my hideout" i replied popping the p of yep with my lips.

"Hideout?" Newt and Minho asked in sync.

I lead them over a wall into a little area, it was like a room with half walls. You could see most of the maze here, a protected little room. In the corner was I crate full of pillows and blankets.

"welcome to my secret hide out" I said with jazz hands.

"Wow this is amazing, a little secret room over looking part of the maze." said Newt.

"I know" I replied in a rather proud tone.

I opened my backpack and took everything out; radio, books, jumpers, candles, snacks, pencils, paper.

"The perfect place to draw grievers and the maze while being protected. while listening to music in a secret quiet room with a view".

"Woah I need to go run and write the location of this place down in the map room, thanks for showing me this place Hazel it's amazing" said Minho in awe.

"Of course here's a rope to get down for you to run back and one of frypans cookies, bye Minho" I say with a little wave.

"Bye Hazel, bye Newt" he answered giving newt a little wink but I pretended not to notice.

Me and newt ended up spending the whole day together getting to know each other. Because our memories were wiped we could only tell each other things like our favourite colour or our funniest memory in the glade, I got to know a lot about him and I didn't hold back, I told him everything about myself to him I guess I trusted him. we had fun I definitely laughed a lot, that now my cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

Newts POV.

Hazel Grace and I spent the whole day together in this secret room of hers in the maze, getting to know each other, listening to the radio, cuddling under the blanket. It was such a perfect day, a day that I would never forget.

"Hazel Grace, I know we just met 4 days ago but you make me the happiest boy in the world, I honestly can't see my life without you anymore, that I notice I'm only ever smiling and laughing when I'm around you. Hazel Grace I want to be yours and I want you to be mine, and I know it's early but I see no point in waiting when I feel like this so I'm asking...will you be my girlfrien—"

Hidden in plain sight - maze runner, newt fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now