Chapter 6 - the stabbing.

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Apologies for any spelling or grammar mistakes
Found the bloopers from the maze runner movie ;)
Minho left as it was time that the gladers usually go to bed.

leaving me and Newt alone, I don't know why but I was nervous...maybe I liked what am I thinking of course not, anyway he would never like a girl like me sheesh...But I needed him not just because I can only sleep when I'm around him but because I needed him...what's happening to me, I don't need a man...except newt.

I decided to show my vulnerable side for some unknown reason "Newt will you stay the night here with m—"

He cut me off "yes!" He exclaimed without hesitation, while taking his gear off and literally jumping into my bed and getting under to covers where he patted the sheets down next to him, indicating me to come sit next to him. For such an intense, handsome man he definitely has an adorable side too.
I flicked off my shoes, took my gear off and got into bed beside him cuddling against him as he brushes a hair off my face and hesitantly takes his hand away while looking straight into my eyes, it felt like he was looking into my soul. Wow that sounded really cheesy...but it did, like he was reading all my thoughts.

I loved how he could be so cute and adorable yet rather hot at the same time.

"A—" as I was about to say something he gently yet ferociously cupped my face in his hands...and his lips met mine and he softly kissed me, like butterfly wings meeting to take flight. I felt electricity run through me from my lips to my toes, it was the perfect moment.

"Goodnight Hazel Grace"

I quickly pecked him on the lips to show that I feel the same. He smiled so big that it looked as though he was smiling with his eyes.

"Goodnight Newt" I said while blowing out the candle and gently falling asleep in his arm.
"Hazel Grace it's morning, we need to get up for the maze remember?" Said Newt in a sleepy rustic voice. I turned to face him and see his bed hair...god he was attractive.

"No just 5 more minutes" I said snuggling up to him.

"Fine, but only 3 more minutes" he replied with an annoyed tone, though I felt his mouth turn to a cheeky smile against my ear.

Seconds later I felt a pillow collide with my face...

"Ohh it's on" I replied jumping up from the bed and grabbing a pillow and smacking it round his head...uh oh.

"Id run if I were you, baby girl" newt replied with a wink.
But before I could comprehend what he just called me he started chasing me around the  treehouse.

Newt, my cheeky, handsome, smartass.

10 minutes later

We finally stopped running and got ready, I went to brush my teeth and I then told him to get ready and eat breakfast which he insisted on getting me some food. Then I told him to meet back here with Minho ready to go into the maze...but what he doesn't know is we are going on top of the maze ;)

"Hazel...Hazellllllll...HAZEL!!" Exclaimed Minho.


"Hazel Grace, we're ready" said Newt.

"Okay come inside boys" I replied in a sweet innocent tone of voice.

"How come she's nice to you and not me?" Said Minho with his hands on his hips.

"Okay guys, here's your gear...umm this is most likely the most dangerous and scariest part but once you do it it's easy. You need to swing here from the tree onto the maze wall." I say walking over to the window.

Hidden in plain sight - maze runner, newt fan fiction Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя