Chapter 3 - insomnia.

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Apologies for any spelling or grammar mistakes .
Spoiler video (above) of the movie.

The moment our eyes locked I knew he was the one I've been waiting for. As cheesy as it sounds I felt it. Our souls greeted like old friends, who haven't met in years. Souls don't speak. Yet ours spoke fluently, comfortable and still. Our hearts sparked in the dark, forming a sole-mate connection. The formation of our solar system had only just began.

Millions of stars dance above us, as if there attending a masquerade ball. Yet my attention is on him, of all the planets rotating off in the distance, A galaxy full of the unknown my thoughts rely on only him.

We just sat there looking deep into each other's eyes for about 3 minutes but it felt like an eternity. The moons ray reflected onto his pale skin showing off his sweet freckles in the night. I noticed that Newt was a very good looking boy with his sharp jaw line, fluffy blond hair and deep chocolate brown coloured eyes. I turned Scarlett...I was blushing.

"Well you can stay here for the night as it isn't safe for you to go out there" I say in a whisper while my voice trembles.

He doesn't answer.

"Well...follow me then blondie" I say while getting up and giving him a hand gesture to follow me.

He stood up in silence and followed me to the other room where there laid a dull grey bed covered in pillows. "You can sleep here for the night, cups on the left and the sink is just where we came in, I'll just be by the window. Make yourself at home." I say nervously.

" to me...I have so many questions" he said with a strong Smokey British accent, as he laid down on my bed sinking in as he's being consumed by all the pillows.
Wow he really does just make himself at home.

I went and sat at the end of the bed to face him "what would you like to know?" I asked.

"Well what's your name, and where did you come from, how long have you been here, are you on your own and-"

I cut him off from his blabbering "I'm Hazel Grace, you can call me Hazel or Grace or just Hazel Grace, whatever you prefer, I've been here for 3 years as I was first in the maze, and yes...I'm on my own."

"Why didn't you ever show yourself we could of been there for you...supported you?" Newt asked while running his fingers through his hair while keeping his eyes connected to mine.

"I was scared, I was alone for a month which was hard, and when I saw Alby come up in the box I was just too nervous to go and see him, and eventually boys started coming up every month, and that's when I started creating my treehouse and was creating a just became too late to go and show myself. Plus I'm the only girl in a glade full of hormonal teenagers, so it just scared me more." I say as my voice trembles.

We didn't talk for a solid five minutes, as he just focused on ingesting all the information he just found out.

"I'm Newt by the way so you don't have to call me blondie, though you have probably heard me over the years."

"Yeah I know you...your keeper of the gardeners and second in command."

"Yeah..." he replies with a slight smirk and eyebrow raise.

God I sounded like a starker...ugh.

Newt starts to look around the treehouse with his eyes while laying down on the bed.

"Why do you have so many weapons, and where did you get them from?" he asks.

"Oh umm I guess for protection...that's a Lie, I guess I take it as a sport...well and for protection, I mainly like archery and knife throwing. Oh and I get them from the box, every month when a new greenie comes our essentials arrive, you know all the packages. some of the packages and crates have locks on them with two letters HG. They're for me. HG my name Hazel Grace, when Alby came up for the first time with the essentials I found a silver key with a piece of paper saying my name. It's a Key to open up all the locked packages. Once I get my packages I place a piece of paper in the box with my name at the top with a few things I need, like knifes or clothes and then the next month I get most of the things on the list, but not everything." I say watching him as he patiently listens with interest.

"Oh I didn't know you could ask the box for things, I guess I should try it some time" he answers looking down.

He seems a bit nervous. Maybe I'm just being silly.

"Are you not going to sleep" he asks with concern.

"Oh I have insomnia, I can't sleep. So at night I do my part or job you could say, I water the plants in the gardens, clean frypan's dishes, watch the Grievers, feed the animals, stock up the bandages in the Medbay, build the treehouse, as you guys are asleep... I go out and then in the day, i try to get to sleep but I can barely get 3 hours a day due to this insomnia." I respond while going to sit down on the chair opposite the bed trying to avoid eye contact.

"Wait so you help us out, all the time and we take the credit not you. That's just wrong and cruel. You should come out at day...We don't bite" he says Jokingly slowly moving forward towards me.

"I just know that if I come out Alby and Gally...and everyone else will try to put rules around me and I like how I live, I live free, I get to do different jobs on different days read my book, listen to music on the radio that I have from the box. I'm laid-back, I know if I come out Alby will just try and put me in a cave full of rules that I must follow. Like he would stop me from going into the maze, he'd take my weapons away, he'd want me to have 1 job...and I know I won't be able to take that."

"I get it, doing the same thing everyday is hard and exhausting. It also must be hard not talking to anyone... look I just want to get to know you more, and make sure that your okay." He says nervously.

"Well unfortunately in the morning you are going to forget you ever met me so things can go back to the way they were." I reply a little more harshly then I meant, but I left it.

Newt ferociously turned over so his back is facing me and tucks into the bed.

I think he's throwing a tantrum...oh well.

I walk over to the window with my binoculars and my bow and arrow just in case, of another griever coming in.
What does Newt think?
Will she have to show herself to everyone?
Does she like Newt?
Will Newt just forget about her?

Thanks for reading chapter 3 of hidden in plain sight.

Next chapter will have a little but of Newt's POV side.


Hidden in plain sight - maze runner, newt fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now