>Chapter 10<

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Hello fellas! I always wanted to say that but idk why. Anyways. I think you can guess what I'm gonna say cause I have been saying it for the last.....3 chapters? I really have no idea but here I go... GUYS THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR 500 VIEWS. For you it might seem like NOT a big deal but these months have been REALLY bad for me and you are the ones that make me smile. I smile looking at you reading my story. I love you all and remember I am always here for you :)
Anyways, enogh talking. Let's get started....

Y/n's POV:

I was walking with Loki to his cell. He was really quiet. Was it because we almost kissed? Probably. As hard as I tried to forget that almost-kiss moment, it was hard. It was locked in my head. The same thing playing again and again, like a never ending loop. I turned to look at him and I cought him glaring at me. That's it. He will kill me. I bet he is thinking where to hide my body after murdering me. But the more I glared back at him, the more calm he looked. Maybe he wasn't thinking how to kill me. I tried to get in his mind to read it but it was impossible! I had never seen anyting like this since Wanda. How is this possible?

" You are just waisting your time. Not in a million years you will get in my head." Loki said breaking the silence and interrapting my thoughts.

" I'm sorry, what?"

" I said, don't try to get in my mind."

" But I am not- I mean- How did you-" I got worried. WORRIED? Since when do I get so worried that I can't even form a proper sentence?

" I know how to hide my thoughts. I simply blocked you out. Pathetic people like you, are NOT welcome in my mind."

" Will you stop acting so immature?! Jeez! GET A LIFE MAN!"

" Sooo...protecting my PERSONAL thoughts is immaturity but being ran around by Steve is a grown up thing?"

" That's complitely different. You are acting like you own the world! Well, let me tell you something. You DON'T! Just because you are a 'God' doesn't mean that what you say it's right. Your people on your planet might look at you as  God and prince but here we don't give a shit! So cut it off!" I snapped at him. I really didn't mean to insult him like that, but the words slipped out on their own. Everything he did drove me crazy! I don't even see him as a friend!

" You like me, don't you? I bet you liked it earlier in the training room" He said smirkind evily.

" I what? No! Definitely not!" I answered as soon as he asked. I did find him attrective and the fact that he was tough made him look even hotter but I can't let him know. He will use it against me for his needs.

" I think you do. We usually insult the people we like the most and oh, look at that! That's exactly what you do! Looks like the little mortal fell for a God. Too sad he doesn't think the same"

" Alright. THAT'S IT!"

I couldn't take it anymore. I fel the anger boiling inside of me and I knew that if I didn't calm down someone would accidentally get hurt. Why did I got furious over this? He is like this all the time. I pushed him aginst the wall, holding him by his suit. Still pressing, I looked at him dead in the eyes. He didn't feel fear like most people would.

" Darling, I like the pose we are right now, but i have these things on my hands so it's not really comfortable. Besides, I prefer you being on the wall. I like having control ;)"

" Listen here Loki. You better stop fooling around or I'll get you to stop with the hard away! I won't hesitade to hurt you. I haven't already done so just because your brother is my best friend. Otherwise, you would be dead by now. Do you understand what I say? Answer me!"

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