Chapter Four

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"Hey its time to leave" Anita yelled from downstairs, trying to get Tany an I downstairs

"Incoming" I yelled, dragging Tany alongside the amount of bags I had to carry

"Muwwy, please be cwareful" Tany groaned

"Am sorry darling, mummy is just trying not to get late" I explained, rubbing my hand all over my face

Finally we got to the final stair, I couldn't help but throw a fist bump in the air, for sure I was really elated by the fact that I finally got too my destination, well, I semi just got to half of my destination as I was yet to get Tany to her day school, Anita to her working place and finally my place of work

"Okay, lets go people" I started picking a longer pace to the door, while sitting Tany on my hip

"Did you pack Tany's lunch?" I asked after a while

"Oops, I'm sorry I forgot, I'll go get it" Anita left the car, with a sullen look face

Thank God, we hadn't left the drive way already, I thought, I was just about to drive when I remembered, I remembered when my sisters gave Tany a tab when she was just 2, I told them I couldn't take it, well she couldn't take it... she could actually take it, but I told them that she was to young to receive gifts like that, they got pissed so I decided to take it, and keep it until she was more matured, she would be 4 on 18th July, and that was about two months from now

"Hey I am so sorry" Anita cried dramatically, but I knew that was just a façade as she was just trying to lighten up the mood

"It's okay, I'm not mad" I revved the engine, and the car came to life

After saying our good byes to my beloved Tany, and tears been shed, Tany finally let us leave with the promise of going to get ice cream later, that did just not happen without drama of course, bawled and cried, one of the many reasons I knew she agreed so easily was because she saw one of her many crushes, that girl was a nut case

"When did you learn James Bond style?" Anita asked snapping me out of my thoughts

"When I desire to get to work early and when I know I am already late, that's when I go James Bond style" I replied with a smug look on my face, making Anita roll her eyes

"I have to go to work, madam, bye" she said stepping out of the car with a wide smile on my face

The next big mission, for me to finish was to get to work without a scratch on my body and any hair leaving my head, I thought and started driving, soon enough I was there already

While walking through the building my secretary came over to tell me about some couple who were in my office saying they would not take any other event planner expect me, which was kind of weird, who am I kidding it was surely weird, I mean who does that

"I guess your clients" my sub conscious snapped

I understand why she was angry, she was angry, well we were both angry because she wanted to sleep once we got to our office as the effect of not sleeping last night was taking a toll on me, and today was appoint less and now this, I thought

"It's okay I will handle this" I said with a sigh

"Okay, I'll be in my office if you need anything" she replied and walked off to her office


"So madam, what's your theme for the wedding"

"That I don't really know, anything would go with me"

"Okay" I replied with a smile on my face

"So what are your brides maid wearing for the wedding, I mean what color?" I asked trying to get her say her opinion about her own wedding, as time went on I discovered she was a shy person

"Hmm, I was thinking, sky blue" She said blushing

Her fiancé just smiled whe he saw her and whispered something in her ear, and then she turned crimson, I could tell in that instant that he really loved her

"Okay, so I wish I could spend more time but I have other things to do, and we didn't really have any appointment, so I was thinking we could meet next week" she smiled

Although she said that, but I knew the reason as to why they wanted to leave all of a sudden, so I decided to play along

"Okay, you can always book an appointment with my secretary" I retorted with a knowing look on my face

"Thank you so much Eleanor" Cassandra smiled

"Thank you for patronizing us, and about you think of a whimsical, alternative or romantic theme any one of them that goes along with you guys let me know" I stood

"And you can think outside of the box" I added with a laugh

"Okay, thank you Eleanor" Liam smiled, holding Sandra like a life support


"Bye" with that she left

"Now I will finally get my sleep" my sub conscious started

I ignored her and started checking some files, not until.....

"Hey sorry I came on short notice, but I wanted you to meet someone" Bridget smiled walking inside

"Hey Bridget, how are you doing?" I asked smiling

"Fine" she replied

"You seem excited" I smiled

"Yes I am, meet my cousin, Ryder Flynn" she smiled like a Cheshire cat, no offence, I am sure known was taking because I said that in my head

"He is getting married soon, so I decided to leave you to planning his wedding" she frowned when she noticed her cousin was not inside

"Ry" she called

"I am coming" he replied, it was as if I was hit with a bag

"Here he is, Ryder, Eleanor, Eleanor, Ryder, so I will leave you guys to it, Ryder be a good boy to Eleanor" she said proud of the meeting, and then she left me in the presence of the beast

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