Chapter Three

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I knew I was really stressed as I didn't get any wink of sleep

You could call a work maniac, but that's what I do when I'm stressed, work and eat that is me, my alarm rang as soon as it was 6am, the irony of the situation was that I didn't need to be woken as I was already awake

Shutting my laptop I walked into my walk in closet to my clothes ready, so I went to the shirt section, I got a wine off shoulder crop top, then I walked into my skirt section and took out a dark blue plaid skirt, just rightly below my thigh, not too short and not too long, and then I took out one of my favorite flats, all of the clothes I took out I put it on my vanity

After dolling myself up, I went to Tany's room to wake her up, Tany could sleep for 11 hours a day without any problem, according to her "Kids need to sleep very well from the hours of 8-11hours" her words not mine, that girl was crazy I knew for that

Walking out of my room I could perceive the aroma of the pancake Anita was making, Anita and I had the same love for cooking the kitchen was my second home, I could cook for the whole of the day, I am not exaggerating that was true, I have several recipe books of different dishes

"Hey morning" I smiled walking towards the kitchen to help her

"You didn't sleep, did you?" she asked, turning herself fully to me

Anita is a blonde, green eyes, dust of freckles on her cheeks, she has a very high cheek bone, and was about 5,4, she is an epitome of beauty, she is somebody you can say was handsomely created on a Sunday.

"Morning to you" I retorted sarcastically

"Answer my question, twit" she snarled

"Yes I didn't okay, I was stressed and you know what I do when I am worked up" I surrendered sitting on the counter while swinging my legs like a baby

"Unfortunately yes I do, you work yourself out, eat and think about your life again and again and again and the cycle continues" she said bitterly

"It not my fault okay, so please stop giving me that look" I sighed, getting off the counter to star cooking

After a while of silence she took her phone and started playing some music, I naturally started swaying to the beat of mood by 24kgolden, did I ever tell you, Anita and I were dancers, I guess I didn't, we used to be cheerleaders for our school, not your typical snobbish slutty cheerleaders, we were very friendly, at lest we tried to be, after a while we had this group of dancers, we used to go for gigs and all it was all fun, not until my patents told me to stop, or typically made me stop

"I'm going to wake Tany" I started some minutes later

"Okay I will handle it" she replied wit a smile perched on her face

What could have made her so happy I couldn't help but wonder, did I do something stupid, or do I have flour or batter on my face, I rushed into my room then my mirror to see if my suspicion were true, but they weren't true, now I was worried, did I fart I thought then I went over everything that happened in the kitchen, then finally . I knew what happened

We, well I went over our dance routine without shedding a tear, that was enough to make my day better, at least I hope

I quickly walked out of the room to Tany's and there she was curled up like a cannon ball

She is very cute I thought, slightly running my hand through her hair, with that single action she let out something like a mewl, with that noise I snapped out of my daze

'Tany wake up" I said, shaking her, she didn't even move so I carried her to the bathroom and began to sprinkle water on her face, she let out a little grunt and began to clean her face then her bright blue greenish eyes came to view, she staggered back but I was quick to catch her

"Hey Muwwy, good morning" she yawned

"Why did wou wake me up like that?" she asked glaring at me

"I am sorry darling, but that was the only way I could wake you" I said smiling at her attempt to glare at me

"Okay" she sighed

Am sorry for not updating, I have not been feeling well so I was just recovering, I am sorry pleas forgive me, please vote and comment

Thank you

Love Ellie :)

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