The King and High Nobles

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The King and High Nobles


The faint sound of mirthful music drifted into the elaborate throne room, a crude contrast to the stony look upon the King's face.

It was the first time Lannasia had ever seen the King and high nobles of Elchwe gathered together. They were an entanglement of colours representing the provinces they governed, their wealth and nobility twinkling on the jewels that adorned them, their confidence radiating in their posture. The King, an aged man with weathered skin and a heavy brow, was the most noble. A golden crown imbued with freckles of black diamond signified his sovereign rule.

They were each gathered today at the King's castle in Fellenhall, crown capital of Elchwe, for the guild procession, a procession that happened once every decade. It called on Elchwen guilds to swear fealty to the King and to renew their unbidden loyalty to the crown. This year's procession was the first Lannasia had attended as a formal retainer for her Guild Leader. When Milena, her Leader, extended an invitation, Lannasia was no fool to pass the opportunity. The King's castle was nearly impossible to enter, even for a skilled thief such as herself. This was a golden opportunity to see a different – more royal – world, and to make golden connections at the infamous revel that followed the procession.

Lannasia's eyes traced the room. They fell upon August, her rival and comrade thief, his face a mask of calm indifference, and then Milena.

Milena approached the dais the King sat within and gracefully bent a knee, her trail of blonde hair sweeping the floor as she dipped her head in performance.

"My High Lords and High Lady," she began, her voice clear and high like a bell, her eyes trained on the tiles beneath her. "Bear witness as I, Milena Erenoy, Leader of the Thieves' Guild, swear my fealty to His Majesty, King Hyllerion the Blessed. My dagger is your dagger, my stealth your stealth, and all those beneath me shall call you their sworn."

Lannasia waited for the King to speak, to complete the oath with some fancy words of his own as only seemed right, but just as he had yesterday in the ballroom with the other crown guilds, no speech was delivered, no reply returned.

Instead, the High Lord of the North – the noble donned in silver – gestured for Milena to rise.

"The King is pleased with your efforts these last few years. Your father was a man close to the crown and a dutiful Leader. We see that you, his daughter and inheritor, are worthy of the Thieves' Guild in your late father's stead."

"His Majesty, the King, truly honours me," Milena answered.

Another Lord spoke, the one wearing colours of muddy green. "Your thieves stationed throughout Elchwe have undoubtedly been of great use to the Crown time and time again for reconnaissance and ... goods recollection. However, the thieves in the West are becoming a nuisance to my court. We have a pressing matter to discuss."

The Northern High Lord loured. "I'm sure we each have a matter to discuss with Leader Erenoy, Lord Perrin, but such things are better conducted in private."

"I have no business with this girl," the High Lady spoke, her sharp eyes pinned on Milena with heed. "Neither will the King, even if he will not say."

The Northern Lord bristled. "I stand corrected then, Lady Song. The King can be escorted to his chambers if formal proceedings are over."

Lord Perrin moved to help the King rise from his throne. Lady Song, High Lady of the East, led the mute King through red curtains and into a hidden passage. Kantillion turned to the thieves once they were gone.

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