4. Drinks

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📍Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Emma and Max decided to meet up at Emma's favorite bar. Emma mainly chose this because she knew her best friend would be working and she could look out for Emma, since she still wasn't comfortable being alone with a guy she didn't know. To Emma's surprise it was really fun and they actually connected on so many levels. Sophie's shift ended at 10 and asked Emma if it was okay that she would go home already, Emma felt really comfortable and safe with max so she said "Yes, I'll call you tomorrow." Time flew by and it was like they had been friends for years, Emma's perception of Max completely changed and she apologized to him for assuming he was cocky since he was famous. 

Around 1 Emma checked her phone "shit" she said. Max looked up and asked "is there anything wrong?" "The last train is canceled so now I have call my mom to pick me up or take a taxi" Emma said. Max didn't hesitate for a moment and said "I can bring you home it is no problem, it's the least I can do for having such great company all night."  Emma had an instant flashback, she got sexually harassed a few weeks ago when one of the men from work brought her home. Emma said "Is it really no problem? otherwise I will just call a taxi." "really it is no problem!" Max said. Emma was kinda relieved that she didn't have to be in a car with a taxi driver she didn't know but yet she still didn't know max as much as she wanted to... She had to face her fears and step in a car again with a man that wasn't family... 

As they walked to the parking lot there was a heavy wind blowing through Emma's hair, she was starting to shiver. Max saw and started walking closer to her so she could feel his body warmth. When they arrived at Max's car Emma was a bit stunned, His Aston Martin was so pretty and she had never seen a car that was so pretty. As they stepped into the car Max reached into the back and gave Emma a sweater to get her warm again. Max was driving like a real race driver but for not one second did Emma feel unsafe or scared. When they arrived at Emma's house they said goodbye to each other. Emma wanted to take off her sweater but instead Max said "Please Keep it, So we have a reason to meet up again? I really liked tonight and would like to keep in contact" Emma nodded gave him a hug goodbye and said "Thank you for tonight. drive safe, talk to you soon!"

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