Chapter 28 [ENDING] - To the Rescue

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Third Person POV

"CARA!!!!" Newt screamed in terror as he saw one of WICKED's guards seize Cara who was just by his side a moment ago. Minho was also being dragged towards the Berg.
Thomas and Newt tried to run after them but they were prevented by the others. It was too late.
"Fucking let go off me!!!" Newt cried as he wrestled with the guy holding him back. Thomas was also trashing about trying to break free.
"I have to save her!!! LET ME GET HER!!" Newt refused to give up, punching and kicking whoever was keeping him restrained. But the man's hold didn't waver. Newt cried and struggled as Cara and Minho were taken to the Berg. Just as he broke free from the guy's grasp, the Berg flew away.
"NOOO!" Newt cried as he sank to the ground. They took her. They took away the person he loved the most. The poor boy broke down, burying his head in his hands. Thomas was also in the same state, punching the ground and screaming curses at the sky. The others were all grief-stricken as well. Tears streamed down their faces as they shook their heads. WICKED had once again taken their friends. Even Jorge and Brenda had a pained expression, having known Cara and Minho even for a short while.

Eventually others started going back to their tents or fixing the mess. Frypan tried to get Thomas and Newt but both of them refused. Soon, only Newt and Thomas were left in the scene as the sun rose up in the sky. Bodies littered the ground and fires were ablaze.

After what seemed like an eternity, Newt stood up from the ground as if possessed by a cold, inhumane stupor. The traces of his tears painted his cheeks and an agony and anger burned beneath his once soft eyes. Everyone silently watched as the boy went around and got a rifle. He then disappeared for a while into his tent before emerging with a backpack. Nobody wanted to get in his way.

"Hey, Newt?" Thomas called out after him, standing up from the ground. Newt didn't even stop.
"Where are you going??" Thomas ran after him.
"I'm going to get them back, Tommy. I'm going to get her back." He said his brow set with determination.
"I'm coming with you, then. No one gets left behind remember." Thomas said as he clutched Newt's shoulder. The blonde boy gave Thomas a hard stare before subtly nodding his head.
"Hey guys, you ain't goin without me!" Frypan chased after the two.
"You kids tryna kill yourselves?" Vince called out, causing the three to turn around.
"Going back to WICKED is a death sentence." He argued.
"So what do you suggest we do? Leave Minho and Cara behind? At their mercy?" Thomas words caused Newt to flinch beside him.
"Yes! We pick up what's left of us, we stick to the plan and get you kids to the safe haven. And we start over. That's what we're gonna do." Vince said authoritatively.
"You go ahead and do that. But we're not coming with you." Thomas said on behalf of him, Newt, and Frypan.
"Look around you, hermanos! WICKED just kicked our ass," Jorge reasoned.
"And now you're running straight into their headquarters! Are ya out of your minds?" Vince exclaimed in frustration.
"Can't you see? This...It's not just about Minho and Cara. It's about all of us. It's about everyone WCKD's ever taken, everyone they will take. Our friends, our loved ones, our lives!!! And they'll never stop. They'll never stop. So, we're going to stop them." Silence descended as everyone seemed to soak up Thomas' powerful speech.
"I'm going to kill Ava Page." His eyes burned with vengeance.
"I'd like some revenge." Harriet finally said to Vince, a confident smile on her lips.
"Well, that's a good speech, kid." Vince surrendered.
"So what's your plan?"

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