Chapter 26 : Long Night

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Nishikata was awake, it was 4am in the morning and he had been awake for just a few minutes, this was the fourth time that night, and it was his worst night ever

The whole night was just him waking up due to nightmares , then Takagi would sing him back to sleep, even though Takagi showed no signs of being tired, he didn't want to wake her up again 

Nishikata : ( he turned around and stared at the face of the girl he loved) 

Takagi : ( her eyes even though closed looked tired, she had also been effectively awake for the whole night taking care of him) 

Nishikata : ( he put his hand over her cheek and gently touched her face) I am so grateful to you I can't imagine what I'd do if you weren't here… ( he kissed her on the cheek) 

Takagi : ( she didn't wake up but began to smile while dreaming… ) 

Nishikata : I'm the luckiest guy in the whole world… ( I don't wanna wake her up now… I guess I'll just stay awake… ) 

Nishikata walked over to the bathroom in other to freshen up so that he could let her sleep in peace… 

Nishikata : ( he was just looking the mirror washing his hands when) 

Suddenly his refection disappeared from the mirror , the face of the girl he had injured appeared, still covered with blood

Nishikata : (he was frozen in place by the image in front of him , his heart started beating faster and faster as horror spread over his face) AGHHH!!! 

Girl : (the reflection pulled her hand over the mirror and onto nishikata) why… what did I ever do to you… 

Nishikata : ( he screamed as he felt himself getting pulled into the mirror) I'M SORRY PLEASE!!! ( his voice was full of fear) 

Girl : what did I do to deserve this… I hate you… . I HATE YOU!!! ( she pulled even harder… ) I'LL MAKE YOU PAY !!!! 

The girl pulled him to the mirror nishikata was resisting with all of his strength, he pushed away and away… until 

Nishikata : ( the force pulling him suddenly disappeared and he fell back and crashed onto the floor) ( he breathed heavily) what… was… . That… 

He steadily got up and looked at the mirror… 

Nishikata : was I daydreaming… .? 

“ my blood is on your hands” these words were whispered into his ears… 

Nishikata : ( shocked again as when he turned around to see the source of the sounds… there was no one… ) what the hell is going on… It was that girl… "I HATE YOU " (… he looked down upon his hands...............................……………………………………………………...they were soaked in blood) 

Takagi : ( she woke up because of Nishikata's screams… ) what happened yuki… ( she was still groggy from lack of sleep, and she turned around to see that her lover was missing) yuki? 

Takagi slowly walked over to the bathroom since the light was on… inside… 

Nishikata : (his eyes were filled with tears as she repeatedly drenched his hands in water, but the blood wasn't disappearing… he locked eyes with takagi) Takagi !!! It won't go away!!! 

Takagi : ( she stepped closer to him and peered inside the sink) what won't go away ? ( she cupped his cheeks and made him face her) what's wrong? Tell me. 

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now