Chapter 31 : Turning point

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Christmas lights decorated the mogami manor beautifully, it was a particularly starless and cloudy Christmas and it seemed as if all the stars had descended from the sky to adore the manor... But more than that was the large banner congratulating mogami for turning 18...

Mogami didn't know how to explain the problem to nishikata... after all the therapist had said he was still emotionally unstable...

Izumi had also been invited to this party, and the Prime minister's entire family had been invited. They had invited his parents and him to her party so not inviting them could cause some unneeded political drama...

Nishikata at first was shocked that she was gonna be here.. But he understood.... Power play and drama were already a problem at the high school and he didn't want to imagine what would happen at nationwide conflict...

The Hall was filled with guests and nishikata for me once even though he was under the supervision of takagi and wasn't allowed to drink... He could make an exception this one time..

He and Shuichi each had a glass in their hands.....

" Didn't you quit smoking and drinking? For the baby and all" Nishikata asked Shuichi who was playing around with his champagne glass,

" Didn't Rie forbid you from drinking? Also I have quit smoking... drinking..not that much.... Just for when I have to socialize... "

" Suika won't be happy "

" I don't expect Rie to be proud either...."

" So... "

" Lips closed... Nobody will suspect a thing.."

This was some fine champagne and neither wanted to waste their chance.. Meanwhile takagi was in a bit of a pickle..

Sumire and mogami had explained to both of them about izumi when they told them that she was coming too... and while both nishikata and takagi were sympathetic to her struggles.. But Just because you had a tragic past doesn't excuse the cruel stuff you do today... so they had just decided that they would treat her neutrally without any hostility like before... and because they didn't want to cause the fuss at the event..

After deciding all that, izumi pulling her aside to talk to her was... off putting... they were just awkwardly standing in the open...

" I'm gonna assume mogami has told you about everything... seeing are you're not hostile... "

" You know you have done nothing to deserve the good treatment " Takagi looked away... she didn't know whether it was good that she had directly asked her because if she'd asked nishikata she'd be a lot more worried..

" I'm not asking for good treatment.. "

" Then what do you want izumi "

" You know...... I didn't go after nishikata seriously.. " She said leaning while on the wall

" Excuse me but how in the God damn fuck is that supposed to make me feel better? "

" It's not... it's just reassurance that I won't go after him again... "

" So you're not even gonna ask for forgiveness?! "

" I don't ask for things I'm not gonna get... "

" At least you know that.. "

Izumi wasn't trying to use her past as leverage to guilt trip Takagi into forgiveness, Mogami was the only one that could work on...... and she didn't want to do that to him...

" Look I'll admit it... it was very fun and intoxicating to go after nishikata... "

Takagi froze " This girl has some nerves... I'll rip them out with my bare hands "

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now