Chapter 33 : Rocovery isn't Easy

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To say this was a special occasion would be an understatement, though Takagi was trying to not look too excited, everyone was very happy, she had just turned 18 ...

Nishikata had showered her with love all day, he took her out to breakfast at her favorite restaurant , mogami and sumire had also organized a party for the two of them, Everyone of their friends old and new had come, from kimura , takao and nakai to mano and the trio , although nishikata wasn't really too pleased to have the trio there... because of nosey yukari had been in middle school... but hey they weren't bad people. Although he still was salty about yukari simply telling the whole fucking school about his wealth, he was tolerating her simply because today was takagi's day.

Hamaguchi and houjou were also there and they were chatting with mano and nakai, all in all it was a pretty nice get together where everyone was catching up

He did however notice some tension in the air, mogami seemed a bit too on edge, and Takagawa wasn't to relaxed either, they were still talking like normal but he sensed something was up

He was almr tempted to ask what was happening but then he remembered that he didn't like mano and yukari BECAUSE of their nosey nature, so he wasn't about to act like them. Plus him and mogami were pretty good friends and mogami was always blunt so if the problem was serious nishikata would be told eventually so he wasn't too worried

Takagi's grandmother had knitted her a nice red sweater, which was surprised to be delivered and kept hidden.. But guess who received the delivery... ... . Yeah...

But takagi absolutely loved the sweater, she was wearing it right now, and honestly... it just look so warm he wanted to hug her and cuddle with her, use her as a giant soft pillow ... but not now, he needed to control himself, there were too many people to see them and they were planning something a lot more than cuddling tonight

Mogami had been distant from sumire, almost as if he had regretted Kissing her that day, she tried to talk but talk to him was becoming difficult, she knew that mogami thought that he had only kissed her on the cheek, but she was seeing what she thought looked like regret in him for doing that... maybe it was because of how she had kissed him multiple times before , maybe he made that choice in the heat of the moment and now regretted it...

Sumire for the first time felt jealous of takagi because she could practically read his mind , but with mogami there was no way to know what he was thinking, plus his poker face was very good...

In reality Mogami did regret Kissing her but not in the way she thought, after the kiss he was too embarrassed to even see her so he had run away....

As she had decided, that she was gonna confess to him, she wanted to pull him aside, to talk privately, it wasn't wrong to want to do it like that right?

But what she had forgotten was that she was in love with a non confrontational person with deem self esteem issues, he was terrified of what she wanted to say when she wanted to talk in private, he was scared that she was gonna reject him or worse tell him to stay away

Now these weren't too reasonable futures but it was enough to spike up his anxiety and make him doubt himself and as a result he was distancing himself as a precaution...

Though he knew he couldn't hide himself for long...

Mogami sat down on the sidewalk, this really wasn't the time for things like this... he looked ahead, the car had broken down , it wouldn't start... the driver was doing his best, they had offered to drop nishikata's friends back, and so the car had been jam packed to the brim

And then when they finally had the space to breathe.. The car just didn't wanna cooperate... was there anytime when he'd have good luck..

At Least they were beside the lake and park , the cool wind from the lake was soothing... but he was also in trouble... he had nowhere to run anymore...

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now