Chapter 5 : Investigating

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Nishikata gazed at the huge manor they all roamed around the manor for a bit

Nishikata : god this manor is huge…. 

Mogami : let's see here… ( he squatted on the ground and squirmed his eyes to see better) hmm…. Hey Takagi-san take this camera and take a picture of the house with all angles possible, and you takagawa help her.. 

Sumire : ok then… ( his tone kinda reminds me of nishikata from when the tunnel collapsed) 

Nishikata : what can you see? 

Mogami : the grass blades… They're crushed… 

Nishikata : you think the culprit walked over the grass? It could have been anyone here…. 

Mogami : walking won't break it till it's crushed it will only happen if a person is running

Nishikata : maybe when the alarm was sounded the guards ran to the house? 

Mogami : ( he moved around) not possible the traces show that the running person either ran straight at the wall or straight outside… I don't see a reason why the guards would do that… 

Nishikata : so it's the culprit… 

Mogami : Hmmm…… Maybe… This is in the middle of the patrol route of guards…. The culprit just waltzed right in without the guards noticing? 

Nishikata : Hmmm…. Look most common error in a system is usually human error… So Maybe it's possible that there's a blind spot in the gaurd routine? 

Mogami : well let's check the complete guard routine first… There are 2 towers overseeing the entire complex… Let's go the one closest from here… 

Nishikata : ok… 

They both climb the tower 

Mogami : since I'm partially blind tell me what you see while looking at the spot we were at jay now… 

Nishikata : I can see that spot… Almost nothing to restrict the veiw… the grass is lined by trees and beyond the tree there's the boundary wall

Mogami : hmm take a picture for reference 

Nishikata : sure ( he took his camera out but suddenly stopped as the bright light shone upon him) ugh.. This glare!! 

Mogami : what glare? 

Guard : the client is installing solar panels on top of the roof so they reflect the sun in the afternoon… 

Mogami : Hmmm…. Lets get down… Did you take the video of the entire patrol route from here? 

Nishikata : I've got the routine on camera… 

Mogami : then…. Lets take a walk around the perimeter… 

Nishikata : a walk? You aren't going to head inside the manor? 

Mogami : investigating how he got in and out is more Important than how he stole the vase when he was inside… 

They both got down from the tower 

Nishikata : god damn the security is tight!! 

Mogami : it isn't tight enough if someone could just sneak in and out like a ghost.... Say nishikata how do you think he got in? 

Nishikata : the culprit? 

Mogami : obviously 

Nishikata : well I don't have a clue but I think the culprit must have observed the guard movements for a long time, the security is very tight so he must have needed a lot of planning to find a blind spot in the security.. 

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن