Chapter 27.5 : Tussle

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The school premises were mostly empty…. The students were all out for their internships , Totomi was one influential school it's graduates were some of the most successful people out there … Anyway as Amano cleared up his table in the student Council room he remarked , the student council was pretty empty..

" Yo Amano , when's your internship?" A gruffy looking student asked him, Hashimoto Akur ( shout out to my discord friends for suggesting the name) was the captain of the basketball team , and Amano's best friend.. 

" I'm leaving in a few days… " He said while packing the rest of the papers neatly " What's the deal with Suzuki senpai now? After the um.. Party.. "

" I should have listened to you when you told me to not go to that crack den… "

" You made a bad enemy out of Suzuki senpai, you acted as a witness against him in court right? "

" Don't call that fucker our senpai dude deserves no respect, especially not from us… " Akur scoffed 

" Well… I looked deep into the matter and did all I could.. The most I can do is hold him back for a year… " Amano sighed heavily… " The nightmares are already screwing with me as it is.. And I have to deal with all this… but Suzuki deserves a lot more punishment.. "

Amano wasn't ever big on self reflection but knew something was definitely wrong with him for one he had recently Blackmailed the governor, now prime minister of this country and still had 16 million dollars sitting in his offshore account… " I should probably keep my head low… I'm pretty much set for life"

" It sucks that we have to tolerate his BS for another year, on the plus side mogami really taught him a lesson huh? "

" Yeah… his father is the Director of the National Police Association… incredible power.. " " From what I've been gather… mogami was the negotiator who James Whistler dealt with… thankfully I wasn't the one to negotiate so I don't have to worry… "

" Suzuki got really bitchy recently and he apparently had his friends attack everyone… "

" Oh yeah they went after me yesterday.. "

Hashimoto froze, " Yesterday? "

" Yeah "

" They are all in hospital for broken bones and ribs… "

Amano just quietly sealed the papers into an envelope… 

" I'm so glad I'm not your enemy "

" You should be… I'm done for today let's go "

Hashimoto tossed amano a basketball , he caught it and balanced it over his shoulders ," I'm actually gonna stay with the assistant coach "

" I don't know what to say about getting that close to a substitute teacher… I get that she's only 22 but damn doesn't it feel weird? "

" Hey it's not my fault she's hot " "Amano you've got everything wrong"

" I hope I am, and I'm not gonna confirm this.. " He had something else to still do today before leaving for his extended weekend before his hard internship

The pair separated and amano stumbled onto someone he didn't expect ,The girl in front of me had an angry expression on her face as she fumed at the door , the brown hair reminded him of his past interactions with her.. Many of which weren't successful 

He was just carrying a thick book and bunch of papers when he said, " Hey Takagi.. "

" Oh hey amano"

" … "

" ... "

The two just awkwardly stared at each other.. Until amano spoke up.. " How's nishikata? I heard his accident was pretty bad… "

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now