Chapter 14 : He's Getting Married?!

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Mogami and everyone else was in the cafeteria 

Mogami : ( he should have been happy since he wasn't being treated like crap but he wasn't… ) not bad… 

Sumire : ( I don't know how but somehow people are starting to talk to Mogami, I'm honestly so happy about it, he should be too but i don't get it…) 

Nishikata : hey Mogami you should look a lot more happier not that everyone is treating you better… 

Mogami : they aren't… 

Nishikata : what?

Mogami : they are just scared of you nishikata since you three are always with me… everyone will treat me differently once you aren't there to see… 

Nishikata : dipshits…. 

Takagi : I really just want to slap them so hard… Speaking of slapping… Where the heck is that bitch… 

Sumire : she hasn't come to school for a days don't know what's up with her and honestly I don't care… 

Mogami : ( he just gave them a blank look)  why are relationships so God damn complicated… I really hate relationship… I Don't think I ever want to be in one… well I don't think I'll even get the chance to get in a relationship… 

Sumire : wait. You don't want to be in a relationship? 

Mogami : never.. 

Nishikata : why's that? ( well knowing Takagawa has a crush on him makes it difficult) 

Mogami : It doesn't matter I don't think I even have a chance for a relationship at this point…. 

Nishikata : again, why do you think that? 

Mogami : well for one my parents are getting marriage proposals for me since my dad is the director of the NPA and I am a genius detective and because of this hair I look nice now …. From the way things are going… I Think I'll be married just after finishing this school.. 

Sumire : ( her mind froze…) ( he'll… get… married?) 

Nishikata : ( he noticed the shock on sumire's face) so early?! 

Mogami : ( calmly) most probably… 

Takagi : how are you so calm about possibly getting married to someone you don't even know!! 

Mogami : well…. I mean i don't really know what romance is…. My parents want the best from me… Apparently if I was to fall in love they wouldn't mind me getting married that way…. I doubt that will ever happen… 

Takagi : what do you mean by that?

Mogami : well for one…. I don't think I'll ever fall in love… 

Sumire : ( she felt really sad but she didn't let it show) why though… 

Mogami : it's a bit hard to explain…. ( he looked around for a bit and then he asked a random girl something) 

Random girl : I have that just wait a sec ( she handed him something from her bag and then went somewhere with random guy) 

Nishikata : what'd you get? 

Mogami : a paper weight.. ( he took out a glass prism) 

Nishikata : what are you gonna do with that? 

Mogami : just wait and watch 

He placed the prism on the table 

Mogami : to most people, actually no almost everyone, relationships are like this prism 

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن