Stacey's pov

I know Sean only sent that text as a result of my conversation with Shane. It pisses me off that they're all leaving me in the dark here. I have a right to know what's going on with the father of my little girl and where he is for that matter, and it's certainly not fair to Maegan either. She misses Sean terribly and I'm trying my best to reassure her he's okay and he'll be home soon but it's pretty difficult when I have some serious doubts myself regarding his whereabouts and welfare.

I looked down at my sweet baby girl sleeping soundly in her tiny trundle bed.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, mommy will find out where your daddy is and make sure he comes home soon." I patted her cute little bum that was sticking up. Maegan often slept with her knees tucked under her stomach and her butt in the air. It never looked terribly comfortable to me but she certainly seemed content.

Well, if Shane won't give me any answers, maybe Mike will. I took the baby monitor with me and went to his room. When I knocked, Shane answered the door.

"Uh, is Mike here?" I asked, trying to peer around Shane as I didn't immediately see him.

"I just got out of the shower, Stacey. I'll be done in a couple minutes. Go ahead and have a seat," Mike yelled from behind the closed door of the bathroom.

Shane reluctantly moved aside, allowing me entrance into the room.

Grabbing my arm before I could get fully past him, he quietly hissed in my ear, "Stacey, if you're here to question Mike about Sean, I strongly suggest you turn around and go straight back to your room."

I glared at Shane, about to voice my protest when Mike came out of the bathroom drying his hair with a towel.

"What's on your mind, sweetheart?" he asked, turning my direction just a moment after Shane released his not so gentle grip on me.

I'm sure Shane was here to warn Mike about my suspicions regarding Sean's whereabouts, the only question being whether he had the chance to do so before Mike got in the shower.

"I was hoping to speak to you privately," I said, giving Shane a cold look before focusing on Mike.

"Sure, darlin', let me just get a shirt on," Mike said, as he tossed his wet towel in the bathroom and grabbed a t-shirt out of his dresser drawer. He struggled a little pulling the tight white shirt over his still wet chest and arms as he hadn't dried off fully from his shower. Well that, and the fact that the shirt appeared to be at least one size too small as I could still see the outline of his defined pecs quite clearly through the thin cotton.

"I'll leave you two alone." Shane gave me a warning glance before closing Mike's door on the way out.

"Everything okay with Maegan?" Mike gestured to the baby monitor I was still holding in my hand. "She was sleeping soundly when I left," he said, motioning for me to take a seat on his bed.

"Yeah, Maegan's fine. Thanks for laying her down for me. I actually came to speak to you about Sean."

"Stacey," Mike said my name in a way that clearly cautioned me from proceeding.

I, however, chose to ignore his warning.

"Mike, I have a right to..."

"Let me stop you right there," Mike interrupted. "We are not going to have this discussion, young lady. I've already spoken to Shane and I agree with everything he said."

"But, Mike," I whined childishly, knowing I was fighting a losing battle.

Mike raised one eyebrow.

"Stacey Marie, do not test me on this. You will be a very sorry little girl."

"Ugghh," I sighed loudly and rolled my eyes. "I am not a little girl, Mike. I'm the mother of a toddler, for chrissake." I let him know how annoyed I was by my tone and posture.

"You..." Mike held my jaw, forcing me to look him in the eye before continuing, "...will always be my little girl." He dropped my chin, swatted my bottom and pointed at me, saying, "Don't you ever forget that."

I was getting nowhere so I decided to try another tactic. Guilt.

"Maegan misses her father terribly, ya know. I feel really bad for her. I know what it's like to not be able to see your father for a long time or ever again, for that matter. I never wanted her to have to experience that," I said, pretending to be very sad. Truth is, I barely remember my biological father.

"Stacey," Mike warned, wise to my tactic.

"I'm sorry, Mike, it's just that ever since Sean came to visit me that one weekend at college, I've felt really close to him and it's like he and Maegan somehow formed an emotional bond to each other that night, even before we knew I got pregnant."

"Do you really want to bring up the events surrounding her conception? Because if that's the case, I believe I still owe you a very severe spanking for the reckless choices you made that night."

"Oh, so you're saying your beautiful granddaughter is a transgression worthy of punishment? Real nice."

"No, I'm saying if her mother doesn't let this go, she's soon going to find herself over my knee. Understand?"

Mike crossed his arms over his chest and waited to see if I'd be foolish enough to test his limits.

Since I really don't want to sleep on my stomach tonight, I responded, "Yes sir," and dropped my investigation into Sean's disappearance, figuring I'd just have to trust that he's alright.

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