"You know a lot for a man who is yet to introduce himself." Luix spoke coldly. The man put his hands up in a peaceful manner, chuckling with sweat running down his face.

"Don't worry kid, there's no need to be so defensive. We're all friends here. The name's Dave, I work under the Lord of this town." The man explained as he rested his elbows on the table, his grin not leaving his lips. Luix stared at the man in front of him, he could sense something was off but decided to ignore this feeling when he called for a round of drinks.

The rest of Dave's friends had joined the table, and the group of men started to play poker. Each time Luix was about to get a drink, either Dave or one of his friends would order around for the entire table. Not that Luix was complaining, it meant he could keep all of the silver he earned from his last job in his pocket.

Everyone around the table was laughing loudly; their laughter echoed throughout the building and could be heard outside. Luix examined all of the men at the table; they were clearly drunk from their red faces and slurring of words. The male frowned slightly as he looked around the room, as if he was trying to locate something.

"What's wrong kid? Ya seem distracted." One of the men spoke up, catching Luix' attention.

"I know what it is, he's out of drink again!"

"Already? Jeeze, you've already caught up to us and you're not nearly as drunk as us!"

"Bartender, another round!" Dave called out, his grin still resting on his face. Luix chuckled as the others laughed, but he wasn't chuckling for long. He looked up at the rafters and he could sense something coming from the darkest corner as if someone was watching them. He frowned as he continued to stare at that corner until Dave took his attention by standing up.

"I need a cigar."

"Careful Dave, that assassin might get you next!" One of his friends laughed, causing Dave to huff, waving his arm to dismiss his friend's nonsense.

"Assassin?" Luix questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Like some lousy assassin could take me on!" Dave said as he walked to the door. He wasn't able to walk straight, and almost fell over a few times. Once he had left the building, Luix noticed something move in the corner of his eye. He turned his head, looking back at the dark corner, however that feeling of someone watching them had gone.




In the beer garden, Dave was sat at a table taking a few puffs from a cigar. The male looked up at the sky and grinned darkly. A small chuckle left his lips, however, that chuckle stopped when he heard the sharp sound of knives hitting each other behind him. Dave turned his head, his face turning paler than before when he saw Luix standing in front of him, his sword just above Dave's head with a couple of daggers by his feet.

"W-what's going on?" Dave questioned with fear showing on his face as he stared at the tall mercenary. Luix just smirked as he placed his sword in the ground and rested his arm on the handle.

"I just decided to come out for some air, that's all. You had the right idea coming outside, it sure was getting hot in there, especially with the deadly stare we were getting." Luix turned his head to the roof of the tavern o see a hooded figure standing there. Dave looked at the figure, and fear suddenly paralysed his body.

"A... A...Assassin!"

"You there. Mind telling me why you tried to give my friend here a haircut? As you can see here, he doesn't really need one." Luix stared at the assassin, who revealed an arm covered with fingerless gloves. The assassin pointed their slim, pale finger at Dave, before pointing it to their neck and slowly gliding their finger across it, causing Dave to shiver, cold sweat running down his back.

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