29. Kidnapped Again

Start from the beginning

The whole family was gathered and I stopped by the door. Edward and Bella went to each other like magnets and I cringed. How could she do that?

The others spoke quietly among themselves, but once again Esme came over to me. "Liana, it is very nice to see you. How are you?"

I shrugged. "Fine, I guess."

She smiled. "Is there anything I can get you?"

"Uhh, no. I'm good." I declined. I still wasn't one hundred percent comfortable here. When I first walked in I could see all of them twitch their faces in disgust. Good. Let them smell Jacob instead of me.

Edward lead Bella up the stairs and out of sight and I shifted uncomfortably.

A wave of calm washed over me and I sighed. This wasn't so bad, really. I didn't feel afraid anymore, or angry even. Wait, I should still feel hate for Edward, but that was gone. All I felt was calm and I glanced up. "Did someone do something?"

My voice came across softly where I meant it to be sharp. I tried frowning, but my face wanted to stay relaxed. We knew that they had powers, but I didn't remember one about altering emotions.

Dr. Cullen narrowed his eyes at Jasper. "Son."

The feeling of calm receded and I once again felt the level of discomfort I previously had.

Jasper just looked at me. "Sorry. It's just that you were anxious, it was making me anxious."

I shrugged. "It's fine, but don't ever do it again."

He nodded. Alice tried to pick up a conversation with me but I didn't want to talk to her. She and Jasper disappeared upstairs leaving the nice couple and the power couple with me downstairs.

Emmett leaned forward. "So, you still want to run away?"

I frowned. "Not sure. I still don't like you that much."

Rosalie snorted. "Well, you still reek of dog."

"Rose!" Both Esme and Carlisle exclaimed.

"I apologize. But you do have an oder about you." Carlisle told me and I gave a small laugh.

"I know, but it's somewhat intentional."

Carlisle looked interested. "Oh?"

I debated talking him but figured there was really no harm in it. "After they said I smelled too gross to be appetizing last time, Jacob thought it would be a good way to keep me safe. If I smell like him then your kind won't like me."

Esme looked bashful, Rosalie smirked, Emmett laughed loudly, and Carlisle nodded intently. "Very interesting. It is true that if I were a rouge I would be less likely to choose you, simply because of the scent, but some might not care. It is a good plan though."

I nodded. The day wore on and I wandered out to the porch and called Jacob. "Hey, guess where I am?"

He groaned. "Oh no, please don't tell me she kidnapped you again."

I sighed and nodded. "She took the keys to the truck too, so besides walking, I don't have a way home without her."

Jacob breathed heavily. "I'll come get you, you can't stay there. I-"

"No, you can't. It'll break the treaty. I'll be fine. I smell so much like you that they aren't at all tempted."

Jacob didn't laugh. "Now you'll smell like them."

I sighed. "Yeah. Look, I'm safe. I don't think they will hurt me and I'm going to stick this one out. Bella and I are very slowly improving and I don't want to ruin it again by leaving."

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