"Well in that case I'm going to sleep, it's late"

"Yeah I'll spend the night here"

"Thank you Jinora, are you coming, dear?" Grandma looked at auntie Kya and she shook her head

"Nah I'll stay as well, if anything, It's not that I don't trust Jinora here, but I wanna make sure everything is fine"

"Well okay then, good night you three" she smiled and walked out, I looked at Korra and smiled, I'm so glad she's doing okay, not long after, we heard a knock on the door.


the door opened and I saw Kai standing there

"Have you seen Jin- oh, hey Jinora, can I come in?" He smiled, he's so sweet, he helped me many times and he's always there for me

"Sure come here" I smiled, totally forgetting auntie was there

"so um, I wanted to know if you'd wanna go stargazing with me tonight but I see you already have some plans" he was so shy, I could see his cheeks turning slightly red.

"of course Kai I would love to! But I wanted to stay and make sure Korra is okay"

"Oh yeah, um yeah it's um... I-it's fine" he tried his best to keep smiling but I could see he was slightly upset

"But this isn't rejection, how about tomorrow?" I smiled and walked up to him

"T-that would be great, yeah um, tomorrow it is then" he put his hand behind his head on his neck and smiled, he was still so red, it was so cute. I hugged him and he hugged me back, even though we actually were together he was always so shy. I kissed his cheek and his smile grew as he walked to the door.

"Good night Jinora, Kya" he said as he walked out, at that moment I realized that Kya was watching and listening the whole time.

"Auntie I'm begging you, don't tell my father," I said not looking at her as I lowered my head still just standing there

"Oh sweetie don't worry, your little secret is safe with me, I won't say anything, after all, your father is my brother so I know what his reaction would be and I would never do something like this to you" she laughed and I heard her stand up and she walked closer to me and hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Thank you, you're the best" I smiled

"mhh...hh...gh.." we hear a slight groaning behind us, I quickly pulled back and looked at Korra, she was awake looking at us trying to say something but she had a tube stuck in her neck.

"Korra? Are you okay?" I asked and we both walked closer, she slightly nodded and pointed at the tube in her mouth

"Sorry Korra, we had to do it, you couldn't breathe and it was the only way," Kya said


"Don't try to talk, you could hurt yourself, I'll pull it out okay?" she continued as she walked closer to Korra, she was still pale and seemed to be in pain, but it wasn't so bad like a few hours ago, that healing session really helped her

"Okay when I tell you to, cough as hard as you can, it will be a little uncomfortable but it won't take long" she disconnected the tube and took off the tape "Jinora prepare the face mask please, it's in the bag next to the bed, there's a tube coming from the oxygen bomb so just connect it" she pointed at a bag next to Korra's bed

"Okay Korra, one...two...three" she opened her mouth and started pulling out the tube as Korra started coughing violently, in a few seconds she had it out but Korra still couldn't stop coughing. I handled Kya the mask and she put it on Korra's face

"I don't need it" she wheezed, her voice was still weak and interrupted with coughing as she tried to pull it off

"yes you do Korra, don't make this any worse for yourself" Kya stopped her and she sighed then she looked at me.

"Sorry I......disturbed your date..... you know you don't have......to be here," she said slowly

"W-what y-you heard it?"

"I heard.....mostly everything that....anyone said in this room" she chuckled

"so you were conscious?" Kya asked

"pretty much.... if I wasn't sleeping..... people sometimes thought.....I was asleep but..... I was just too tired to.... open my eyes" she smiled and closed her eyes

"you little devil, and I guess with a tube in your neck you also won't get to talk much" I smiled and sat down next to her "I know I don't have to be here but I want to"

"Thank you Jinora..... I really appreciate it"

"You should rest Korra, we managed to help you but we don't know how long it will last, we still don't have the cure, Asami and the others are trying to get it now," Kya said and she sat down as well

"Asami.... where is-"

"She went with Lin and met up with the others to help find the cure," I said

"she was here.... with me right?" she looked at us waiting for answer

"yeah she was, she helped us, she was the one who helped me with the intubation," Kya said and she smiled "you should sleep Korra, your body is still infected and for now we're winning the fight, but then again I don't know how long it will last, we just have to hope"

"Okay but.... please tell Asami that...." she was silent for a little which made us both worried "tell her I say 'thank you'" she looked at us and smiled, then she closed her eyes slowly drifting off to sleep.

"We will Korra" I smiled and looked at Kya, she was smiling as well, she tilted her head to the direction of the doors and she stood up as if she was saying 'follow me' so I stood up as well and went after her. We walked out in front of the room and closed the door

"Look Jinora, it's not easy to say but I just don't want you to get your hopes too high, I really don't know how long this will last, she still has the infection in her body, our healing sessions can only help her but not save her" she said and looked sadly at me

"I know auntie, but I know you guys will do anything to help her," I said and I hugged her. We just have to hope they will get the cure, and if so we have to hope they will get it in time...


Here you go, probably the longest chapter I've written for this story yet :D

Anyways, for now, the situation looks good, what do you guys think will happen? Let me know in comments ;)

- Alex.

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