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new video from angel harris: q&a and addressing some rumours

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"hey guys! welcome back to my channel, i've missed you all, i hope everyone is having a great day, make sure you've eaten some food, and you're staying healthy." she introduced waving to the camera. "we are gonna do a q&a today, i put a story up on my instagram, so we can just go through and answer some questions." she explained, smiling at the camera and putting on a happy facade, when in reality she just wanted to sleep.

"okay so, the first question isss," she read through, noticing one of the first responses and laughed, "wilbur said 'when are you coming home?' well, soon hopefully! i'm actually planning on sleeping on your couch for a few nights next week will, so i'll text you some dates and you can pick me up from the airport," she laughed.

"next question, okay someone asked, 'do you prefer living in england or new york?' this is a good question. i'm really not sure, my lease on my apartment here is ending soon, and i need to decide whether i want to stay here or move back home," she explained, "i love new york, so much. i feel like blair waldorf literally all the time is so amazing and obviously i have so many lovely friends here. but then again, brighton is my home, i grew up there and everything and wills there so i love it. it holds lots of special memories, i just needed to get away for a bit because sometimes it gets a little overwhelming."

"okay, moving on, next question, 'tommy or tubbo?'" the girl laughed, "i can't answer that! if i say tubbo i'll have an angry child bitch at me, and if i say tommy then i'll upset tubbo," she frowned, but quickly added, "tubbo is the favourite, for sure."

"someone asked, 'are you releasing any more music soon? you're amazing at singing!' first of all, thank you so much, that's so kind, and second, yes, i am. i'm currently working on my first album, it's taking a bit longer, as i'm doing it all myself but hopefully it will be finished soon. i'm currently recording one of the last songs, but i might add a few more if i get the inspiration to write some new ones. hopefully by new year i'll have released it, so look forward to that guys! i might when release a sneak peak soon, i'm not sure."

"next question, aw this is so sweet, someone asks, 'how's your day been? hope you're doing well' that's so nice, thank you. to be honest, my days not been the best, but y'know, everyone has those days and that's perfectly okay. i think spreading positivity really helps everyone, so can we try and make the comments section super positive, to help cheer everyone up." she encouraged the viewers with a smile.

"'what's your go to starbucks order?' i love the cookies and cream frappuccino that they do, the mango and passion fruit smoothie is also amazing," she gushed, "i really want starbucks now, shall i order one? im gonna order one, hold on." she told the camera and ordered herself a drink.

"okay, next question, 'do you want any pets? if so what?' yes! i'd love a cat, they are my favourite animals they're so adorable. i don't know if you guys remember patches? dreams cat, she is the most adorable cat i've ever seen, i miss her so much," she held her hand to her heart and laughed, as she tried to ease the mention of dream into the one sided conversation. she hadn't spoke about him at all on her channel since they split up and was scared how her fans would react.

she carried on answering questions, and drinking her starbucks until she addressed the twitter situation.

"i'm getting a lot of questions regarding dream actually, which is natural considering everything that's going on on twitter." she nervously stated.

"i'm going to address this now, and probably never again because the situation is so ridiculous to me. yesterday schlatt and i were in mcdonald's and two of his fans approached us. they were rude to me, calling me a clout chaser and a whore, and then decided they were going to tell me what my relationship with dream was like. they told me that dream was sleeping with loads of people, and that i was a jealous bitch because i thought i was the only one. they then proceeded to lie on twitter, claiming i said some messed up things, that i didn't and wouldn't say."

"for the record, as far as i'm aware dream didn't sleep with anyone whilst we were together. i know him, probably better than most other people, and i know that he is not like that at all, so please stop trying to slander his name just so you can cancel me on twitter. he was the most amazing, caring person, he doesn't deserve that at all, and the fact people are lying like that is so ridiculous."

"in addition, dream and i were together but we broke up around a year ago. i never addressed it at the time because it hurt me too much to talk about. and it still does. we were both so, so happy together, we loved each other very dearly, and to be honest, i still love him, i'll never not love him, he's someone i hold very close to my heart, he's my soulmate. but sometimes things don't work out, and that's just the way it is. there are no harsh feelings from me to him, i think meeting him was the best thing that ever happened to me. it just didn't work out, it was a very public breakup, which is why i didn't speak about it for so long, but i understand people's frustrations at me for not addressing it, i just needed some privacy to deal with the situation."

"throughout the past year i've seen many people trying to blame him for our breakup and made many awful allegations against him about our breakup, they've lied about so many things and throughout that i stayed quiet, and left dream to defend himself which wasn't fair. i realise now that i just worsened the situation, and i'm sorry for that. if i defended him when those allegations were made it could've been sorted a lot sooner, and so if you're watching this clay, i really, truly am sorry."

"anyway guys, i'm gonna end this video here, sorry to end it on a bit of a bad tone, but it had to be said. i hope you're all having a great day, i love you all so much, bye guys!"

clay sighed a sigh of relief, as the video ended. she still cared about him, he had a chance.

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