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the plane ride home was long, and angel found herself asleep for most of it. she was excited to go home. it was a couple of days before her birthday and she was excited because wilbur had told her he planned a surprise for her. typically the pair always hung out and had movie marathons on her birthday, the pair weren't exactly the most sociable, so going out to celebrate wasn't really their thing. this year however, he had planned a big surprise, which he insisted would be the best birthday ever, even better than her fifteenth birthday which the two spent sat in pizza hut for four hours eating £200 worth of pizza, before going on a walk on the beach, where they both threw up. that was one of the weirder highlights of their friendship but the two look back and laugh at their stupid teenage selves none the less.

angel missed her birthdays from her teenage years, she missed waking up in the morning, seeing her presents and parents in the kitchen. will used to go to hers for breakfast before school, where they used to eat a breakfast of her choice, most of the times it was lucky charms, her favourite cereal, but there were a couple of times they ate pizza and chocolate cake, much to her parents dismay.

she missed spending her birthday with her mum, they went to a spa and got their nails done together for her sixteenth, which was one of the girls favourite memories. she struggled to make friends throughout school, she had a few but they weren't particularly close to her mum was practically her best friend.

it broke angels heart to think about her mum. she was the type of woman you read about receiving awards in the news, she did so much work for charity, she was always helping other people and was known throughout town for being generous and caring. after she passed away lots of people told angel she was just like her mother, which she knew they meant as a compliment but the girl couldn't help but feel it just wasn't true. it was a lot of pressure to be as good as her mum, and the girl often wondered what her mum would think of her now. she hoped she would be proud of her.

meeting clays parents reminded her that she would never really experience clay 'meeting her parents' as such, sure he would meet her dad, but he would never meet her mum. losing her mum changed her dad, naturally, and weirdly she saw him as less of a father figure now, more like a friend. they drifted, and now he's got a new family that she wasn't really a part of, she took no offence to it, they both had their own lives and she was happy that he was happy, but she wouldn't have a happy family dynamic to introduce clay to, like he did with her.

the girl wanted her mums approval of clay. angel knew he was her soulmate, she believed that it was rare for people to meet their soulmates, out of eight million people in the world the chances of meeting the one person you're destined to be with was slim. her and clay were meant to be, they were like two halves of one whole. she loved him, and she didn't mind that their relationship was moving faster than a typical relationship, they belonged together and she didn't want to let her chance of happiness slip through her fingers.



the girl had been back in her appartment for a while, before she heard lots of commotion coming from upstairs in will's flat. there were lots of footsteps, the occasional yell and scream and lots of loud music. she ignored it as best as possible and unpacked her suitcase, settling back in and watching some disney plus curled up on her sofa.


come upstairs:)


the girl got changed, getting out of the clothes she travelled in and throwing on some black leggings and one of clays hoodies she had kept, it smelled like him, which she liked, she herself thought it was a bit odd, but clay liked it. he had made it clear that he liked seeing her in his clothes, he was protective over her, but not in a toxic way. he just liked to make it clear that she was his, so she didn't have to deal with dumbasses like that waiter, which the girl found cute.

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