10. Don't Text and Drive

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"So, I shot someone, that happened," Esme stuttered. Her hands were shaking more than her damned phone. The gun was on the floor where she'd dropped it and she had no plans on ever touching it again. She figured Nevaeh had no plans on touching her either from the way she'd plastered herself against the door away from Esme. "Can we stop the car now?"

Easton shook his head, looking between his phone and the road. He hadn't slowed from the breakneck speed he'd started at except when they'd cruised by a police station. "I'm setting up a ride to take Nevaeh somewhere safe and a new ride for us. We should be there soon so try to hold it together till then."

"You shouldn't text and drive," Esme mumbled. The ringing was back in her ears, louder and more persistent now. The only noise that broke through was the echoing gunshot, blasting through her mind on repeat. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the road stretching out behind them. Even when black spot danced around the edges of her sight she couldn't look away.

"Esmerelda?" Nevaeh called out to her softly. She tapped her shoulder when there was no response and flinched back when Esme turned towards her suddenly. "Are you alright?"

It took a moment for Esme to find the words, longer to force them out. "I don't think so."

"What happened back there?" she asked, scooting closer to her and carefully plucking a piece of glass out of Esme's unruly hair.

"Well, I think our lunch was interrupted, and I stabbed our waiter, worst tip ever," Esme tried to joke.

"Somehow I think he deserved it. He didn't even tell us the chef's specials," Nevaeh chuckled. She continued to hunt down glass shards, tossing them out the empty hole where the rear windshield had been.

"Careful, you'll cut yourself," Esme caught her hand when it veered too close to the shards still hanging from the frame.

"It's fine, I think I've pricked my finger enough times on needles. I barely even feel it anymore," she assured her.

"I am so sorry I even dragged you into... whatever this is," Esme sighed. She let Nevaeh twine their fingers together. "Easton said they'd take you somewhere safe though."

"What about you?"

"Hopefully, his majesty will tell me his plans soon," Esme said. She sneered at Easton who was still trying to use his phone while steering. "But his phone is just so interesting isn't it?"

"I am getting directions Essie," he sighed. The phone dinged and he looked away from the road again.

The car that slammed into them kept going across the road where it pulled into a tight turn to face them again. It's front looked relatively unharmed, but there was a mess of crumpled metal. Easton was pressed back against his seat with his airbag slowly deflating in front of him. His head had turned sharply to the side, but his chest still rose with shallow breaths.

Esme blinked sluggishly as she titled her head to find Nevaeh. The woman had slammed into the door head first. Blood snaked down from her forehead in a thin trickle. It wasn't much, but any amount was too much as far as Esme was concerned. She was as still as Easton. Neither would be helpful fending off the petite woman edging her way around the back of the car.

Esme let her head fall back and leaned her body against her door. It was just in time too. The woman grabbed the door handle and inched it open, grabbing Esme as she started to tumble out. She was sturdier than she looked, supporting Esme easily as she pulled her out. Esme hit the floor and kept still, trying to look limp and helpless. It must have worked because the woman moved to the front and ripped the door open.

"You just had to cause problems, didn't you Easton?" The hammer of a gun clicked, and Esme pushed off the ground hard. She swung her foot out and caught her in the stomach. The gun stayed in her firm grip, even when Esme jammed her shoulder into the same place she'd kicked.

They rolled across the floor, wrestling for the gun. The woman managed to get herself on top and Esme looked up, eyes wide.

"Paula?" Esme croaked.

Paula from talent recruitment was kneeling over her, one of her knees digging into Esme's ribs as she tried to twist the gun free. Sweat from their palms coated the grip and barrel. Behind them, the car started to smoke. The smell of it burned Esme's nose and brought tears to her eyes. Some of that may have been from Paula's overpowering perfume.

"You are seriously the biggest pain in my ass," Paula grunted. She jammed her knee harder into Esme's side and managed to gain and inch on the gun. "Would you just let go?"

"You're going to shoot me!" Esme shouted in reply. She pushed her hips up trying to throw her off balance, but Paula moved to crouch on the balls of her feet just out of reach. It was just the opening Esme needed to pull her knees to her chest and slam her feet into Paula's chest. She fell back and the gun slipped from her hands.

Paula hit the ground and rolled back and straight back to a crouch. She dove for Esme, only missing her by inches when Esme stepped to the side. She teetered on the slim heels, planting her feet on the asphalt.

"You are insane," Esme gasped out. She stepped back as Paula geared up to make another run at her. This time when she stepped aside, Paula rammed headfirst into the side of the car. Esme grabbed the gun by the barrel and slammed the butt of the gun into the back of her head. Paula fell and didn't get back up. "Psycho."

Esme rushed to Easton, nearly sobbing with relief when she saw his eyes starting to open. "You useless man, get up and help me." She hurried around the front to Nevaeh's door, fanning the smoke away from her face as she stumbled past the hood. She was still out cold, so Esme resorted to half dragging, half carrying her to the car Paula had slammed into them. She started to lay her across the backseat, but Easton stopped her.

"Front, I need the back," he ordered. He shuffled past her dragging Paula by her arms.

"She is not coming with us," Esme said sharply.

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