Epilogue (23)

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Percy stood at the alter as I walked down the aisle in my dress. Piper was smiling and took a quick picture.

The officiator did his lines, and Percy and I did our vows and kissed.

A few weeks later we found out I was pregnant. At this time, Leo had finally got the guts to ask Calypso out, Frank proposed to Hazel, and Jason and Piper had finally officially started dating.

Sally was also pregnant with a girl she and Paul decided on naming Estelle.

Percy and I lived our life amazingly, Percy became a marine biologist and I became an architect. 

Jason also got his dream job, the flight attendant (more like flirt attendant). Context: he is ALWAYS flirting with piper.

After I gave birth, I reconnected with my dad a bit, and we also made Piper and Jason the godparents, since both were our closest friends.

The end.

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