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It was the day after the date, things had been going somewhat smoothly. I avoided Piper and my friends at all costs, sitting in the corner, alone, during lunch.

Of course, something else came in the way of that...

"Um, excuse me, can I have you attention?" Percy asked from the stage, repeatedly tapping the microphone, causing a screeching sound to echo through the cafeteria.

"Sorry. Yesterday, I went on a date with this really pretty girl..." He smiled nervously. "And so, I think it went really well. So, Annabeth Chase, will you be my girlfriend?"

Subconsciously, I stood up, causing everyone to look at me. 

"I- uh... Percy..." I stammer, getting flustered by the attention. It's not that I don't want to be his girlfriend, because, strangely I do want to be his girlfriend... it's just I can't talk under pressure.

"Hallway?" I ask quietly, walking out to the hallway.

Percy followed, looking more and more nervous as he stepped out into the hallway.


"Oh thank the gods, I can't handle that much pressure." I pulled his tall- ahem him down and kissed him softly, smiling.

"Yeah." I said, after breaking the kiss. "I will be your girlfriend."

"Really?!" He grinned.

"Yeah." I laugh. He picked me up, twirling me around, grinning.

"Oh, easy there, seaweed brain." I laugh again, holding onto him tightly.

"I'm not gonna drop you, wise girl." He put me down, hugging me.

"Oh. I talked to mom. If you want, you can take the spare bedroom in our apartment."

"I can?" I smile softly.

"Yeah, mom said she would love to have you stay there. She said, and I quote, kids need to stay in a non-toxic household so that they themselves do not become toxic people!"

"Your mom truly is the greatest." I smiled.

"Yep!" Percy nodded.

When we walked back into the cafeteria, we sat down. This girl, Drew, came over to us.

"So, you're like, really pretty." She said to me, smiling fakely.

"Thank you." I said, my voice having no emotion.

"So you agree?"

"What?" I asked, slightly startled now.

"You think you're really pretty?"

"Hey, Drew." Piper said, standing up. "Back off, or I will tell mom."

"Mom doesn't give a crap about you or me, Piper, we both know that."

"Listen here, you female dog. Take you and your jealous pack of dogs, and get the hell away from us." Piper said, her eyes staring Drew down.

"I'm sorry that people are so jealous of me. But I can't help it that I'm popular!"


"I AM TOO!" 

"Shut up, both of you!" I ay, standing up. "Drew, walk away. Piper, sit down."

Both girls did so, and I sat down slowly.

"Somebody should stab Ceasar." Hazel said softly.

"Huh?" Everyone looked confused.

"Oh- I thought we were going to continue with the mean girl quotes-"

"On WEDNESDAYS WE WEAR PINK!" Nico shouted, blushing furiously. Will snickered.

I swear something is going on between those two...

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