Chapter 19

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*this chapter is not for anyone under 18*

Trixie's POV

The moment Jeff entered Mina's room, I made my escape to downstairs. I didn't want to hear any form of argument that the two could possibly have. I began looking around the living room for a pair of sneakers that I swore I left near the couch. I was about to look under it when the front door flew open and startled me. "I want to know what the hell is going on here and who's ass I need to kick!!!" Yelled Joanie. Behind her, Pete and her boyfriend.....Dean? Dan? I could never remember his name.

I stood up from the floor, eyeing them. Pete quickly came to my side. Pulling me into him. He had become quite the distraction for me during my short time here. "YOU! What did you do?!" Joanie yelled again, pointing her finger at me. Joanie was kind enough to hire me on part time at her bar, but I was scared of her from day one. I knew I couldn't take her in a fight. "Me?! I didn't do anything!" I defended myself quickly. She stormed over towards me and her boyfriend stopped her half way. "All I know, is that everything was good until you waltzed into this town. Now Mina is about to runaway because of some guy?! You expect me to believe you didn't have anything to do with this?" She pointed her finger again. I couldn't blame her for questioning it. It was a coincidence. But it wasn't my fault. At least not this time. I felt Pete squeeze me tighter. "She has nothing to do with this Joanie. Right Trixie?" He looked down at me, I could tell in his eyes he was afraid she might be right.

We all jumped when in that moment, a door from upstairs slammed shut. We looked over towards the stairs and saw Jeff coming down, alone. He stopped in front of all of us, looking around at the small group that had conjured together. Then at me.......

"I want to know who this guy is that Mina is so afraid of. And why she feels that you two need to leave." He asked. I could tell that Mi Mi kept them completely out of the loop. It didn't surprise me though. She was scared. "I think that's something you should ask her honestly." My voice was low and shaky.  I didn't know if I even should be the one to tell him. "I'm not asking her. I'm asking you. And if I don't get an answer now, then Pete here isn't going to be able to protect you from anyone.....least of all from me!" He demanded in probably the scariest tone I've ever heard.

I let out a heavy sigh, finally releasing the air from my lungs that I had been holding in.  I sat down on the couch, hands playing with eachother, head down. I probably looked like a little kid about to rat out my best friend. I looked back up, only to see their faces turned towards me in a way that made me believe they were about to pounce if I didn't spill. So.....I did.....

"When Mina and I first met, we both started working at the Diamond Club in Vegas.  We were bartenders.  We saw a lot of crazy shit. But it was a given. We were in 'Sin City'.  But we had fun. Making tons of money, meeting pretty interesting people. Young and dumb. Partying every night it seemed.

All was well and good, until it got bought out by this guy named Sergio.  He looked like something out of a Latin Mafia. He was very rich and very intimidating.  At first, everything stayed the same.  He would just always be watching.  One night, he closed down the club for a private employee only party. Kinda like a 'let's get to know the new owner thing' I don't know.  It was mandatory.  So we went of course.  Everything was cool. We were having drinks. Then.......that was it. That was all we could remember.  We woke up in our beds the next morning as if the night before never even happened. Mi mi.....I mean....Mina, and I, we talked about that night.  We both only remembered having one, maybe two drinks. I'm lightweight as shit so of course it wasn't a surprise that I blacked out. But Mina, she could drink all of you under the table. One or two, maybe even four drinks.......that's like water to her.  There was no way she blacked out the same as me.  But, we tried to forget it. And just chalked it off as a fluke.

We went on as normal, then we noticed some of the girls we worked with were starting to act and look different. So, little Mi Mi tried to figure it out.  Once she started snooping around, Sergio pulled us into his office.  He was pissed.  Then threw a folder in front of us.  When we opened it we saw that he had a ton of pictures of all of us girls from that night we couldn't remember.  Doing things we would never do on our own.  He told us he also had video.  He basically drugged us from drink one.

I was terrified. I didn't need those things being shown to anyone I knew. But Mi Mi didn't care.  She was going to leave Vegas. But he threatened to kill her if she ever tried.  Showed her that he had been following her everywhere. Knew every person she hung out with.  She knew she couldn't just leave, especially then.

After that, things changed completely for the worse. He turned the club into some kind of sick and twisted S&M thing, only it was the totally illegal kind.  All of us girls were forced into doing things you all would probably puke over.  He called us his 'Dolls'. We were given drugs to help get us through it.  We all took them, except Mi Mi. She wanted to be on her toes at all times.

It wasn't until one of the girls we worked with was sold to another club.  That's when she knew she had to get out.  At least Sergio was predictable.  Someone new wasn't.  It was getting worse. So she made a plan to escape.  She tried getting me to come with her, but I was scared. I should have gone then. "

The room was silent.  I didn't realize that I had started crying. I felt Pete sit down next to me, wrapping one of his arms around my shoulders. I leaned into him.

Joanie let out a sigh and started walking around the room.  "I don't get it. Why does this asshole care so much about her leaving? It sounds like he can just replace her if that's the case." Her voice sounded annoyed.  I glanced back up at her, tears running down my face. And cleared my throat.

"Because........she was his favorite Doll....."

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