Chapter 24

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Sitting there alone in his room felt like forever.  I could hear faint noises of talking from outside, but couldn't make anything out. Doing nothing, waiting for any news, made me more anxious than anything else. I was never one to allow others to help, let alone "take care" of something for me. No. I learned at a very young age never to rely on anyone. They always end up letting you down, using it against you....or worse....both.

I quickly decided against waiting. I walked out of the room into the kitchen. I could see Jeff and Don outside on the front porch with about 4-5 other DR's. A couple I recognized from the bar. The others I was sure I had never met before. Jeff had told me many times that the DR's were a lot bigger of a group than I could imagine. If what he said was true, then there would be a lot that I had never laid eyes on. As I stood there glaring out the door window at the small group of men, I could hear the sound of motorcycles coming closer. I silently walked towards the door to get a better look. A group of probably 10 or more climbed off their bikes and made there way towards the porch. Their jackets were a dark grey with a cross on the chest. These weren't DR's. They were someone else.

I was about to panic, imagining some kind of a gang fight about to break out in the middle of everything else that was going on, until I noticed Jeff firmly shaking one of their hands. The oldest looking one. That must be their leader. I thought to myself. I was frozen for a moment. Why would the DR's have another gang here at this time? So....I began ease dropping....

"There's about 5 men with this douchbag. Was 7 but we took care of two. They might be retreating back across the town border. I'm sure we scared them off good." I heard the older man say with amusement. For a moment, I wondered which 7 men Sergio brought with him.

"Good work. Keep an eye and ear out and let me know as soon as possible if anything else comes up. I don't want any of them anywhere in this town, let alone near my property." Jeff answered back. I couldn't believe this. They assume they got scared and ran away?! No. That couldn't be right.

My spying plan was soon forgotten as I stormed out the door. As soon as it swung open, the large group of men all turned to meet me. "They wouldn't run away.  At least not Sergio.  He's hiding somewhere.  Somewhere close. He's not stupid. He doesn't just give up on something, or someone for this matter, that he wants.  He'd die before that could happen. And if he wasn't one of the two, then he's here. Close. I know it......" I could hear myself start to ramble. Yell even.  I didn't even know I started crying until I felt a tear drip down my cheek.

Jeff quickly came to my side, wiping it away.  "It's ok.  We're gonna find him and end it.  The Hell Bandits are going to help. They're allies of ours.  We won't sleep until he's found and dealt with." He tried to calm my fears, but it wasn't working.  Noticing this, he guided me back inside, just the two of us.  He firmly placed his hands on either side of my arms, as he normally would, forcing me to look at him. "You don't get it.  I'm not saying you're all not capable of taking care of him or his guys. I'm just saying you've never met a man like this before.  He's different. Sneaky. You have to be careful and never let your guard down. That's when he'll pounce." Again I spoke while hardly breathing. 

He lifted my chin up to meet his eyes. They were pitch black.  The last time I saw him like that, he scared the hell out of me. He was angry.  I couldn't help but feel a little fear peaking through me. "Just like him, I don't give up on something or someone that I want. Not without a fight.  You're mine now. Remember that.  This isn't a battle you're fighting alone anymore. Not like before.  This time, and from here on out, you have me to fight for you.  All those men out there. The ones who are standing in my front yard, all the men you don't see here who are at the town borders.  The ones searching the town. The ones inside this town and out that you've never even met.  They're all fighting for you too.  When I told you I loved you, I meant it.  When you said it back, that sealed the deal of you forever being protected and fought for." His words shook me to my core.  I didn't know what to say, or think.  This was a new feeling for me.  A feeling of peace almost. I had never realized just how big this community really was. Just how large the DR's were. Just how respected and powerful almost that Jeff was as a leader of such a group.  I was in uncharted territory.  But the unknown not only made me feel safe, it also made me feel anxious.

Just as I was about to speak, not even really sure what to say even, I quickly felt the familiar feeling of his lips crashing into mine.  I never wanted to stop, only to keep holding onto the feeling of pure bliss during the moment of chaos and uncertainty.  But he released himself from me and smiled. "Now, go lay down.  I'll be back in bed soon.  Just want to go over a few more things with these guys." He ordered as he softly pushed me towards the bedroom. I decided to follow orders. As I walked into the bedroom I could hear him call out to me before returning to the porch. "I love you." He said. I turned around and saw his signature smirk. "I love you too."

As I took my jeans and bra off once more, I climbed back into bed.  I laid there for a few moments, feeling as if sleep would consume me before Jeff came back in.  My eyes had just closed when I heard the door open. "Everything all set?" I asked. I could see his black figure standing there in the dark as he closed the bedroom door.  He said nothing. "What's wrong?" I asked suddenly, not sure why I felt that anything was off. That was until I heard the voice that would always make my blood turn cold.

"I finally found favorite doll..."

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