Chapter 22

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Jeff's POV

The boys were briefed. The borders of the town would be watched like a hawk. If that man even thought of stepping a foot in, I'd be informed and go kill him myself. I paced my kitchen, waiting for Mina to arrive. My anxiety came to an end when the front door slowly opened.

I could see in Mina's eyes that she had been crying....a lot. I quickly stood up and practically ran to her, pulling her into my arms. She slowly returned the gesture when I felt her arms wrap around my waist.  I held her still for what felt like forever, before I heard her speak. "I thought you hated me. That you didn't want me anymore." She struggled to say.  I immediately pulled her away from me to look into her eyes. New tears began to form. I grabbed onto her chin to force her to look up at me more clearer.  "Don't you ever think that. Ever!  I'm an idiot. I didn't realize I left the way I did.  I should have stayed with you. But I had to get back here to put plans in place. To make sure you're safe." I could even hear the anger in my voice.  Just the thought of that dick trying to come after my girl made me blood thirsty.

Her eyes lowered down as a small smirk forced on her pretty lips.  "I don't want you all going through all this trouble for me.  I'm no one special.  If I leave, maybe he will just follow me and not come into town. I could........" she tried to finish her words but I wouldn't let her.  I grabbed harder onto her chin and pulled her lips to mine.  I wanted her to feel what I was feeling.  The moment the kiss ended, I pressed my forehead to hers. Both of us still trying to catch our breaths.  "This is the last time I'm going to say this before I get mad at you. YOU. ARE. NOT. LEAVING. EVER!" I could tell me tone scared her a bit.  I instantly felt guilty. "You are mine.  That's never going to change.  No one is going to hurt you. No one is going to try and take you away from me.  If they do? They're dead.  And don't you ever go around thinking you're not special. Because you are. More than you know." I heard a small chuckle come from her mouth. She pushed away to look at me. "Why do you think I'm so special?" She asked, her eyes looking confused.  I couldn't understand it. Didn't she already know? "Because........I'm in love with you."

The words slipped out as soon as I thought them. There was a moment of silence.  I had never said those words out loud before to anyone.  Then again, I had never felt the way I felt about her.  Saying them, I thought it would scare me. But it didn't. It made me feel free. But what scared me at that moment was the silence.  I starred at her. Waiting for a reaction. Words. Anything.  I was about to say something when I noticed the biggest most beautiful smile appear on her face. And then at the moment, I heard the most amazing sound coming from her mouth that I could ever hear.....

"....I'm in love with you too"


Sorry it's short. And sorry I haven't updated. Will be more on a schedule this coming week.

Riding Blind Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora