Meet me there

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+how you met+


You were at a party your friend invited you to. You didn't want to go since Derry doesn't do things fun In the first place. You asked your  friend who was throwing the party if you could go to her room to cool down and she said yes. You were sitting on her bed trying to get rid of your headache by drinking water. After a while of sitting in her room you heard the door open and some whispering shouting "shut up" "what do you mean the music is loud no one's going to hear us" just then two boys made there way into the room. Both high-fiving. It took a minute until they both realized you were right there. "Uhh what the fuck are you doing". They said that it was there sisters room but you knew it wasn't. "Fine fine we were going to see if we could find her bras" you looked at them in disgust. You called them names and kicked them out


You were in kindergarten and new. You might have still been young but being new in Derry was tough. You wanted to make some girl friends but they stayed away from you. Apparently some were saying you had a disease that turns you into a boy. You didn't necessarily dress like a girly girl but you didn't dress like a boy. You just wore a plain shirt and some shorts. Embarrassed you looked in your bag to find something girly maybe a hair bow or bracelet. You thought you found something but your bag fell over and stuff fell out. You didn't mind until one of the girls yelled out "eww she has a toy car, cars are for boys!!" Then everyone stared and  laughed at you. You have the car since you got hand me downs from your older brothers. You ran away to hide from everyone. after hiding for a couple of minutes someone sat by you. It was a boy with a hat on. he started asking you questions about the car like and what kind it was where you got it from. And if you wanted to see his collection.


You were in your room changing. You felt a little weird changing. You went to the other side of your felt a little better until you heard a *crack!!* and a thud followed right after that. A little scared you jumped. You went to you window looking out. Since it was dark you couldn't see out. You went outside with a big hoodie over your PJs. As you looked you heard some groaning. As you got closer to the noise you saw a boy with one of his hands on his forehead groaning a little bit. You put the dots together. Boy with pain on his forehead little scratches on his legs broken tree branch and binoculars right by him. You stared at him realizing he was trying to watch you change. You weren't sure if you should be concerned that he was hurt or disgusted in the fact he was being a creep and watching you from a tree.


You were in your social studies. You were always shy and kept to yourself and the teacher knew that. You only had a few friends and your teacher wanted you to make more friends or step outside of your comfort zone. The teacher had a great idea to assign partners for a Derry town model. She picked your name out of a hat. You waited in anticipation hoping you'd get one of your friends. When the teacher pulled out a name she was nervous sure she wanted you to make more friends but not with the bad ones. "Y/n you'll be partnered with Victor" everyone  turned toward you or the blonde kid. You looked over at him to see he had his head down. You were scared of him, sure he wasn't the scariest person in school but he wasn't the kindest either. "Victor!" The teacher said in a Stern voice making the teen jolt his head up. "You'll be partnered with y/n for the project" he looked relieved since he would be partnered with the smart girl.

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