Chapter Eleven

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Wonho's POV...

Not being able to see Amber's lovely face in person these past two weeks has been torturous to my lonely soul. We've been FaceTiming each other every night before going to sleep, and not once have we brought up the subject of what we are planning to do about our marriage situation. We spent that time mostly catching up on each other's day and having simple conversations about our past.

Talking to her on the phone every day will never compare to seeing her radiant face in person. It astounds me how deeply I can yearn for someone I have only just begun to know. Even now, as I stand in my bathroom, slipping into a black button-down shirt, I find myself longing to gaze upon her captivating visage. "Damn it," I mutter, my words echoing through the empty space. "I fervently pray that she will grant me the opportunity to become the husband she truly deserves."

After envisioning the delightful possibilities of a life with Amber, I completed my dressing ritual. As I emerged from the bedroom, the familiar melody of "Love Die Young" by Eric Nam resonated from my cellphone. A smile naturally adorned my face, for I recognized it as my wife's calling. However, my joy swiftly dissipated, replaced by a wave of concern. This marked the first time she had ever contacted me in the morning, and at the early hour of six-thirty, no less.

With cautious anticipation, I answered the call as I descended the final step, finding myself in the comforting embrace of the living room.

"Hello," I greeted, my voice laced with apprehension.

"Good morning, Mr. Lee," she chimed in an excessively cheerful tone.

"And a good morning to you too, Mrs. Lee," I responded, a sigh of relief escaping my lips.

"Are you alright?" Amber's concerned voice reached my ears.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just had a moment of worry, considering it was the first time you called me in the morning," I confessed. Since getting to know Amber, I have discovered a newfound honesty within myself, sharing aspects of my life that I have never revealed to anyone, not even my family or closest friend.

"Aww, that's incredibly sweet of you to be concerned about little old me," she replied, a gentle chuckle accompanying her words.

Hearing her say things like this often grated on my nerves. To me, it almost sounded like she didn't think that she deserved someone to care about her. It bothered me to the point where it sparked heated discussions between us. Inevitably, I would always find myself apologizing for upsetting her. To avoid plunging into this destructive cycle once more, I attempted to brush off her comment.

"So, why are you calling me so early this morning?" I inquired, my voice tinged with irritation.

"I wanted to ask for your address," she replied through the phone.

"Are you planning to come to Korea to see me?" I asked, a flicker of excitement igniting within me.

"Of course not, silly," came her immediate response, extinguishing my joy like a bucket of icy water poured into my soul. My elation swiftly transformed into a sense of dread and foreboding for our relationship. "I was actually thinking of sending you a birthday present," she added.

"My address is 897 Suchan Palace Suite 1037 in Seoul, South Korea," I speak into the receiver just as my doorbell chimed. As the doorbell chimed, interrupting my words, I sighed of frustration escaped passed my lips when I glanced at the security screen and saw my grandma's face staring back at me.

"Babe, is everything alright?" Amber's warm words of endearment threw me off balance, causing me to absentmindedly open the door for my grandma. "I'm asking because your mood just shifted," she continued.

"Good morning, Halmoni," I greeted my grandma with a forced smile, trying to maintain a sense of normalcy.

"What's so good about this morning?" Halmoni retorted, brushing past me and making her way into the living room. "It would be a perfect day if you had let your family meet the woman you secretly married," she added, her words dripping with sarcasm.

Amber spoke into the phone, her voice neither angry nor happy. "I'll call you back later." she abruptly ended the call before I could respond.

"Now, I understand why you're so cheerful this morning. It's because you were talking to your secret wife, weren't you?" My grandma's eyebrow raised inquisitively.

"Yes, I was," I admitted, unable to hide the truth any longer.

"If you're this happy when you talk to her, why won't you introduce her to your family?" Halmoni pressed, her tone a mix of curiosity and frustration.

"I will, but it'll only be when she's ready and able to come to Korea," I replied, trying to explain my reasoning. I didn't want to rush Amber into a situation that might be overwhelming for her, no matter how much I longed to be with her. It had only been two weeks since she discovered she was married to a stranger from a different continent. For now, talking to her on the phone would have to be enough, until the day she decides to give us a chance to make things work.

"Are you even listening to me, son?" Halmoni's voice boomed, and before I could react, she reached up and clamped onto my left ear with a vice-like grip. The pain was excruciating, and I could feel my ear being pulled mercilessly.

"Y-yes, Halmoni," I managed to whimper through the pain, desperately trying to free my throbbing ear from her grasp. It felt like my ear was on fire, and I feared she might actually tear it off.

"Before the end of next month, I will meet your wife, with or without your permission," Halmoni declared sternly, finally releasing my ear from her bony, deathly grip. She then turned and walked back towards the front door. "Do you understand me, sohn ja?" she added, her voice filled with determination.

"Yes, Halmoni," I replied, my voice tinged with concern as I continued to soothe my burning ear. The idea of Halmoni taking matters into her own hands and visiting Amber without my knowledge unsettled me. I didn't want anyone pressuring or manipulating Amber into giving our relationship a chance. I needed her to genuinely want to be my wife, to choose me willingly.

As I stood there, contemplating the situation, a determination welled up within me. I couldn't let my grandma's schemes disrupt the delicate balance I was trying to maintain with Amber.

"I have to find a way to navigate this situation and protect my wife," I muttered to myself, grabbing a protein bar from the pantry and a bottle of water from the fridge. With a renewed sense of purpose, I headed out to work, determined to find a solution that would allow Amber and me to forge our own path, free from external pressures.

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