Chapter 3

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Narrators POV:

The young (h/c) woke up to the sound of rain drops rhythmically colliding with the glass of her window plane.
An exhausted sigh left her slightly chapped lips as she fought herself up into a sitting position.

She didn't want to start another day full despair.

The pleasant idea flashed across her mind that maybe she could just go ahead and sleep through the majority of it.

Sadly fate (or just the author lacking creativity) had a different plan in mind.


She flinched as her door collided with the wall when her mother slammed it open.
“Don't even think about loitering around all day! You have work to do”.

The (h/c) woman cocked a brow at that.
What was she forgetting again?

“ Don't look at me like that. Get your ass up, neither the house will be clean nor the food will be ready by laying in bed all day wasting everyone's time.”

' Why can't she just shut the fuck up?' — the younger woman thought to herself as she flung her legs over the edge of the bed. Forcing herself to begin her usual morning routine.

“Also, I'm going over to Johns place. Don't know when I'll be back”
'Just great' she thought with an inward roll of her eyes.

Her mother never had a good taste in men. All of her post boyfriends were either alcoholics, cheaters, scammers, or violent men. Most of the time they were usually a mix of those.
And John; oh, good ol' Johnny wasn't an exception.

After, receiving a nod of acknowledgement her mother left the room with a prideful stride.

The (h/c) made sure to take her time with getting ready. The later she finishes, the less she has to be around the wrench she has to call her mother.

*Time skip 2 hours later*
After finally finishing with all the chores (Y/n) gathered her things to go out.

She had enough of being treated like a slave and decided it's time to chill and perhaps calm the fuck down before she looses her marbles.
After, leaving the tiny hole she had to call her home all her life she made her way over to the café.

There's barely anything that can calm the (h/c) down effectively besides music.
Due to her lacking friends she can't rant to anyone and get a hug, so she had to turn to her second best option; coffee and a slice of cake.

As the small store painted a light blue color came into sight the (h/c) fastened her footsteps.

The place itself was quite in need of repair.
The paint was chipped allowing the brown hue of the bricks to pop trough here and there, the chairs and tables were wobbly, the parasols were almost impossible to open.
And yet the quaint little shop still attracted costumers due to its low prices.
Even if she would have the extra money for Starbucks she'd never go there.
This little run down building has grown far to close to her heart to just be abandoned like that.


The bell above the door alerted the old barista of the visitor's arrival.
The same (e/c) eyed young lady popped up that has been going there regularly for the last few years.

The same order, at the same exact table in the corner. She didn't like to change it.

Unbeknownst to the woman he remembers her from a long time ago.
'It never fails to surprise me how much she changed' he thought to himself as he served her order.

He can still see the cheerful little girl in front of him she once was.
He still remembers those big eyes filled with wonder and joy as she gazed over the pastry selection.

Surprisingly to the maiden, she still possesses some of those old, shining sparks in her orbs.

“Thank you” she muttered avoiding eye contact with the elder.

The first bite of her rum punch cake came with the same old sugary explosion her taste buds craved. The slight bitterness of her coffee only further enhancing the sweet taste.

She lowered her guard slightly for the first time that day since she woke up.

She still felt uncomfortable and like she was being watched but shook it off scolding herself for her paranoid nature.

Even now years after this began, she still couldn't see those clouded over green eyes staring straight into her soul.


The (h/c) was snapped out of her thoughts as the bell sounded. Her gaze wandered over to the newcomer. A tall brunette man made his way over to the counter.
(Y/n) turned her attention back to her order now that her curiosity was satisfied.

Those dark green eyes of the new costumer were still fixed on her body until a cough sounded in front of him making him redirect his gaze to the elder in front of him.

“Welcome to Café Hummingbird.
What would you like to order?” The old shopkeeper asked the spaced out young man.
“ Just an espresso” was all the answer he got before the man made his way to an empty table near the exit.

*Slight time skip*
By the time the younger male finished his coffee it already went ice-cold.
He was far too busy staring in the direction of a certain corner with one of the regulars there.

Soon the young woman gathered her belongings and made her way over to the door. He didn't take his gaze of off her until she left his peripheral vision.

A slight sigh broke out of him as he decided, 5 more minutes and then he'll go after her.

'I'm just making sure no one will hurt her even more' he tried justifying his actions to himself.

He was aware of how his actions could scare his love, so he made sure to keep just enough distance to not seem suspicious while at the same time still being able to watch over her.

As the 5 minutes passed he kept true to his plan and followed in the footsteps of the (h/c).

Yandere POV:
“Don't worry my dear, I'll make sure no one will hurt you again, not even yourself...” he muttered to himself turning the corner.

(Y/n) fastened her steps as the feeling of being watched soon caught up to her. Her hand instinctively dove into her pocket to clutch her pocket knife. She fastened her pace until she was speed walking home.

By the time she stepped through her doorway she was already out of breath. As she rested her hands on her knees panting her soul out she was started by a sound.


'My phone?
I must be hallucinating again...' she thought to herself dismissing the notification.

As her phone screen gradually darkened the notification showed for a few more seconds.
It read:

𝚄𝚗𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊 𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎.

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