"Grr" the monsters scented a person facing immediately at Samantha. Samantha held her daggers before dashing to the trio of monsters. She kicked the first monters that launch its attack before killing the second monters who about to grab her legs. Using her creation magic she chained the second monster.

A chain immediately immerge under the marble floor of the castle chaining the legs of second the monster before recreating her left dagger into a sword. The glint in her eyes shines as she slashing the legs of the monster in front of her, while the other was trying to break her chains.

The monster split a green acid fluid to Samantha gracefully she dodge it but some strand of her hair was damage a little bit. Samantha dash to the monster dodging the claws of the monster before kicking the monsters making it to step a back, as the monsters stand back behind it was a girl with brunette hair helding a sword before beheaded the head mouthed monster.

Samantha bring back her dagger to its original form before walking to the one remaining monster. The monster feel the same energy that the General of the Demons giving them, before the monsters can flee, Samantha make the chain turned into spikes chains making the blades thrusts on the monster skin, crying in pain hoping that the human will stop.

Samantha stood their before placing her dagger to the monsters neck. "Say...what is happening. I know you can talk. Spill it before I break you into pieces" Samantha said in her calm voice but her calmness sending more fear even more.

"Aghir nor, Kiwen Hatarra nur, fquid plven gamndi Witches agklor Xer fenornora haha"

Translation: We finally found you, now Kiwen will rise, but first we will eliminate all this witches by killing their Queen, General Xer....we win haha

'They attacked why? They know I'm here? How?.....That girl in the academy'

Samantha thrust her dagger to the monsters neck thrusting it deeply before taking out her dagger. Wiping it out using the monsters skin.

"Tsk. I can't win win so many demons lurking around. I should head back to the academy.....hopefully that Old hag was smart eno..." I stopped when I saw a familar raven haired woman that has been stab by the blue bolted hair woman. The woman shoulders slowly ups and down indicating that she's in hurt, before falling to the ground. The place was filled with bathe of blood and the wind is carrying the scent of blood. The sun is rising making the damage in the whole kingdom was seen, deaths is every where.

But my eyes is darted at the woman lying on the cold ground, slowly taking in and out of oxygen. For some reason my heart stops when I notice what the womans wearing. I stared at the the womans face. Felt the familiar cold I felt when Sean died.

'Not that feeling again'

I gripped on my daggers. "Old....hag" I whispered, she mouthed something to me, I tried to understand it when a foot suddenly stepped on Matilda's back, making my shoulder shake in shock.

"She said Runaway Brat" the blue bolt haired woman said to me making me to glare at her. she clutch her chest before frowning. "My! My why are angry to me now? I just deliver her last words" She said. I looked at her and my blood boils in the sight of her red eyes.

I feel a overflowing power inside me, but I know if I let it go, I might go rampage and lose control. But I can't stop this raging anger inside me.

'I'm going to kill you'

"Do I know you" I asked and a name flashed to me 'Xer'

"Are you the demon called Xer" Samantha asked as her cold emerald eyes was darted on Xer. Whoever saw her gaze on Samantha's eyes will immediately flee in fear, her aura was sending an aura that only the demon lord can gave..'DEATH'

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