Make A Move

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I raise my head, and I meet the eyes of our captors. Tristen, Leonel, Adrianna, and Jina are among the barbarians leading the group. Tristen struts by, his hands on his hips. I drop my eyes to the ground as he comes closer, stopping before me. I can feel him looking at me, and then his hand falls lightly, caress the side of my face. My bottom lip trembles. His fingers fall to the collar bone, sliding lower.

"Don't you touch me," I hiss, the words flying out of my mouth. My eyes snap up to Tristen. His hazel eyes grow wide, and he leaps back. Heat fires up in my chest, dear God, it burns with fury. He eyes me carefully, still taking cautious steps back before he continues on his way. I take in a slow, shaky deep breath and sigh in relief. I brush my hair back, my hands trembling with my nerves hanging on the very edge of my cold.

"Move maggots," Jina Helsey urges behind us. I glance back, and the glimmer of a blade catches my eye.

"Edmund, I'm scared," Chery whispers, her eyes staring straight ahead of her. Edmund nods, acknowledging her. All around us, torches burn, and archers remain diligently focused on the dark woods around us. Cold winds threaten to blow out their flames. The slightest creak and crunch of a branch or snow catches every eye. Swords raise to meet their foe, but nothing comes forward. We keep moving, cold and exhausted, but also warry. I haven't a clue of what's to come. All I know is we're approaching their camp, a spring up of tents not too far off from the main house. Abbey, Cherry, and Edmund were taken to a shelter. Lilly, Morgan, and I are directed to another.

"Just wait here," Jina orders, and she giggles. Morgan immediately takes to the corner, crouching down in the corner to make herself small. I amble in, out of the wind, taking it all in. The cold, crisp air and the smell of sweat and dirty clothes. Lilly turns to face Jina, her brown eyes blazing with frustration.

"If you don't want to have your spine broken, I suggest you let us go," Lilly demands, and then I realize it, she's the only werewolf beside Morgan they've captured. Maybe they don't understand who they've brought to their camp, but we might have a chance to escape with her. Then again, she also just might get herself killed, too. I guess I'll find out. But I'm not staying here.

"You think I should be terrified. I pit you. You don't understand what you're up against, so why don't you shut your mouth now, before you find yourself dead," Adrianna snaps. Jina continues to giggle. The girls turn their backs to her as there's a loud, familiar pop in Lilly's back. She snarls, claws and teeth lengthening, and this hideous warning snarl coming from her throat. Lilly charges forward, her nails raised to slash and cut. Jina whips around, throwing the hilt of a sword back. Lilly collapses with yipe. She covers her face, rocking back and forth. My stomach aches, tightening like I might be sick. Jina bashes in the hilt against her head, and Lilly collapses to the floor in silence. Jina sheathes her short sword. She shakes her head, utterly disgusted.

"We'll see you later, wolf-girl, the puppy, and the vermin," Jina calls over her shoulder.

"We'll see you tonight!" Adrianna adds, and the two-leave laughing.

"Why," Lilly croaks, still conscious. And I thought she out from that bashing. "What's tonight?" she grunts. Lilly struggles once to prop herself up but fails.

"You lot are to be executed," Jina informs us. The two leave us in silence. In silence and anticipation, we sit in terror. We're latterly sitting here, waiting to die. Guards are posted outside, armed with weapons and the skills to use them if we try something. Some moments later, Lilly starts sniffling. She hasn't moved from where she's fallen, but she's started to cry. I roll my eyes at myself, pressing my lips into a thin line. Her despair is the only thing in this space, it's depressing.

"I'm sure the pack will come to rescue us," I try to reassure her.

"Why? Hunter wants nothing to do with me. Suzah, I'm sure she is ecstatic to possibly become the new heiress," Lily mumbles, "And the Schaedler's," she goes on, "Eric hates me," she mutters, her face crumpling up like she might start sobbing. I was expecting a remark like her father about their faults and weaknesses.

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