23. Resentment and Rebuilding

Start from the beginning

I shivered as I waited and regretted not grabbing a jacket before coming. A minute later the door opened and a familiar face looked at me in disbelief.

"Liana. Why are you here?" Nina asked, frowning.

I gave her a small smile and shivered. "Can we talk? Please?"

She frowned more, but didn't close the door. "Are you going to lie to me again?"

"I will try not to." I answered truthfully.

She shook her head. "I don't know. Why would you lie to me?"

I bit my lip. "I can't tell you that."

Nina started to close the door but I shoved my foot in the way. "Wait! Nina, please. I really need to talk to you." I begged.

Nina looked sad. "About what? Because you and Jacob and Embry have done a really good job of ignoring Quil and me these past months. You can't just toss us around. I thought we were friends."

That sent a nail driving right into the crack in my heart and in that second I shattered. It was rare that I actually broke down, but in this case I couldn't help it. I burst into tears.

I started sobbing and tried to talk at the same time. "I- didn't want- to- ignore you."

Nina opened the door and gingerly wrapped me in a hug. At her touch I melted and the sobs wracked my body. She was smaller than me but this time she held me. I cried in her arms, soaked by rain, for several minutes. Eventually the sobs subsided and a few stray tears were all that leaked out.

Nina leaned away and pulled me into the house. "You can come in, but you had better explain everything."

I nodded, unable to speak. My face felt hot and puffy and my nose was runny and my throat was rough. I blew my nose as we made our way up to Nina's bedroom. We sat down on her bed facing each other and she handed me a Kleenex box.

I collected myself and dried my eyes. My throat hurt and I hung my head. I barely knew where to start, probably because of the emotional exhaustion that I was feeling.

Nina waited and when I was ready I spoke.

"Bella left. Two days ago she jumped off a cliff and nearly died. Jacob and Sam rescued her, and when Jacob took her home, she ran off with one of the Cullens to save the boyfriend that dumped her. I didn't know what to do, and Dad is staying at the station, and Jacob is pat-at work, and I felt so alone, and I really needed to talk to you." The tears threatened to come back but I choked them down.

Nina was frowning. "Wait what? Why did she do that?"

I shook my head. "I'll tell you, but first please forgive me? I never wanted to keep things from you, especially about Embry, but I couldn't help it. It wasn't my secret to tell. Sam is a really good guy and is trying to help these guys get through a really rough time. I met him about a year ago and he has been nothing but nice. Embry and Jacob needed help and he helped them."

Nina huffed a breath. "What did they need help with? Because they sure didn't like him at all, and then boom! They are buddying up to him. It doesn't make sense."

"I'm not supposed to tell you everything. But the main point is that there are some people that are dangerous and Sam and the boys are working for the tribe to keep everyone safe. The elders all know and are helping them. But it needs to be kept quiet." I crossed my legs and leaned towards her.

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