Chapter Twenty Six

Mulai dari awal

Lexi leaned forward and took Natalie's hand in hers obviously sensing her uneasiness.

"How do I tell Pierce that I'm scared without it seeming like I'm doubting his abilities?" she asked Lexi honestly.

"Pierce is a fixer. They all are. If you are feeling scared, tell him. He won't take it personally, he'll want to fix it. He loves you Nat."

"You're right. I should talk to him about it."

"Talk to him about what?" a deep familiar voice echoed from the doorway.

She whipped her head around to see Pierce leaning in the door frame and smiled at the intrusion.

"You know you really should start announcing yourself when you come into a room." she laughed.

"Sorry sweetheart, sneaking up on people is kinda ingrained in me at this point." he said with a smirk.

Every cell in her body seemed to respond to Pierce's presence and she couldn't help but swoon at the sight of his large muscular frame walking toward her, knowing that he was going to touch her, but trying to anticipate where. She drank him in as he entered the room with his eyes fixated on her and a half smile that made her panties wet. She couldn't conceal her reaction to him if she tried.

"Are you only going to tell me you love me when I help you catch bad guys?" she sassed playfully.

He let out a laugh before snaking his muscular arms down around her waist as he pulled her into him.

"I'll tell you every second of every day if that's what you want to hear." His words and that sexy smirk of his drove her wild and swarmed her stomach with butterflies.

"Yeah, that's what I want to hear." she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Using one hand he grabbed the bill of the hat she was wearing, pulled it off of her head, flipped it around and replaced it backwards to give him better access to her lips.

"Why didn't you just say so?" He tilted her head up to him and pressed his lips into hers, tightening his grip on her simultaneously. His tongue slid between her lips, making light contact with hers before he pulled away and dropped his head down toward her neck.

"I love you Natalie." he whispered into her ear, placing a few light kisses on the soft skin beneath it.

Her smile was bright and deep from the soul and she felt like her body might explode from the sudden influx of endorphins that flooded her in that very moment. The sound of his words, the feel of his lips on her skin, his clean masculine scent that surrounded her, she was utterly intoxicated and addicted to his man.

"I love you too." She replied as her deep blue eyes met his.

She hadn't even noticed when Lexi left the room. She and Pierce were the only two people on earth as far as she was concerned at the moment.

"So what did you need to tell me?"

She let out a sigh, but knew that she needed to be honest with him about the way she felt.

"I think I need to be honest with you about the way I'm feeling..." she started.

His smile faded and his brows straightened into a low line, not out of anger, but out of concern.

"I always want you to be honest with me. What's going on?"

Her eyes shot to the floor as she searched for the right words, trying to decide the best way to explain how she felt without insulting him or making herself seem weak.

Using one of his strong hands he lifted her chin and tilted her face toward him using his thumb under her jaw as leverage with his fingers wrapped around the back of her neck.

"Talk to me, Nat." His eyes were now full of worry which was not what she had intended.

"It's just...with everything that is happening...or well, everything that has already happened... or might happen...I'm guess I'm just feeling..." she knew she wasn't making any sense, but she couldn't find the right words.

"Nat, baby, it's just me. You can talk to me." he soothed.


His body relaxed slightly and he pulled her in for a hug with his body completely engulfing hers.

"There's nothing wrong with being afraid, Nat. That's such a normal reaction that I'd almost be worried if you weren't a little scared, but I hope you know that I will always protect you. You're safe with me sweetheart," he said down into her ear as he held her.

She nodded into his chest and closed her eyes, drawing in strength from him hoping some of his bravery would seep into her skin. The thumping and thudding of his heart behind his ribs was soothing and he stood there holding her, rocking slightly back and forth until he felt her pull away.

"You okay?" he asked as he studied her face.

"Yeah, I'm good." she confirmed with a smile and she meant it.


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