Chapter 10

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3 years later 

*And the last chapter was 2 years, so like the song 5 years total*

+Veronica POV+

I was sitting at home feeding my son Justin, and I just looked back at my life and I'm trying to figure out where I went wrong.

I could've been a prima ballerina, but then I got pregnant and left by my d!ck of an ex Duke. And my life is hard, but I still have my friends which is nice.

Anyways I was walking into the living room, and I was in the mood to watch some tv. I put Justin on his cradle and cut on the Tv.

As I looked at the screen and I saw someone who thought I wouldn't see again, Zach rocking on MTV. I felt so bad for what I did to him at prom, and I think I'm still in love with him.

So I called up some of my friends, and they had tickets to his show and they had an extra ticket, just in case I wanted to come. Maybe this is my shot, maybe there is a second chance for us.

So I picked up Justin and his baby bag and walked over to my nice neighbor, Ms. Stanley's house, and she was happy to watch him. So I went back home so I could get the dress, I had to impress him.

After I got ready I heard my friend honk the horn, which was my queue to head out, I got to her car to see my friends excited about the concert

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After I got ready I heard my friend honk the horn, which was my queue to head out, I got to her car to see my friends excited about the concert. And my friends even got backstage passes, which is great so I'll be able to talk to him.

~At the concert~

We finally got to the front, we were close to the stage. The second song started, and that's when I saw him, and he looked so hot.

 As we were listening to the song, I noticed this girl in front of me with a guitar on her back and a really hot and cool outfit on, but I couldn't see her face though.

 As we were listening to the song, I noticed this girl in front of me with a guitar on her back and a really hot and cool outfit on, but I couldn't see her face though

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Anyways as I continued to listen and jam to the song, I saw Zach look over to me and smile. Omg does he recognize me, I can't believe it, he started to move over here so I fixed my hair and smiled.

He then reached his hand down to me and before I could reach my hand to his the girl in front of me did. And she stepped on the stage and flipped her guitar around and started to sing.

I was shocked and kinda sad, so I asked my friend, "Hey whose that and why she on stage with him?" I asked a little irritated.

"Did you even look at the name on your ticket?" she asked, to which I shooked my head no.

"Well Zach doesn't sing by himself, he's a duo with that girl, they're Zavery, which is Zach and Avery," she said, which shocked me. 

_Zach POV_

After Avery and I finished the show with our last song, we went backstage to cool off. "You did amazing babe," I said walking up to her and put my hands around her hips.

"Aw thanks, baby, you did amazing as well," she said smiling and then kissing me on the lips. Then our manager came up to us and said we had to meet some fans with backstage passes. 

So we fixed ourselves and got a drink of water and then headed to meet our fans. As we walked up to the group, Avery looks at me and me to her and had the same 'they look familiar' look on our faces.

We recognized these girls, they went to our high school. And as the girls crowded around her and started to ask questions, I saw one girl behind them, and I never thought I would ever see her again, Veronica

I remember that song I had written about her and sung in the studio, about how she broke my heart and how Avery fixed it, I never thought I see her again. She pulled me aside and hugged me and started to talk to me.

"I can't believe it Zach, your so famous now, I wanted to say sorry about what happened in high school," she said.

"It's cool, hey did you ever become a prima ballerina?" she looked down and shook her head no.

"N-no plans changed, but it's fine, anyway I wanted to ask maybe we could start over and give another shot on us?" she asked stroking my chest.  

~Avery's POV~

I signed the merch for the girls when I looked over and saw Zach talking to a familiar-looking person. So I excused myself and walked over there. I heard her say, "N-no plans changed, but it's fine, anyway I wanted to ask maybe we could start over and give another shot on us?" she asked, which made me mad so I walked over there even faster.

"Actually..." Zach said but I interrupted and said.

"Hey babe, we gotta leave soon for the next city," I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"B-babe?" the girl said, and when I really looked at her, I knew who it was Veronica f*cking Smith,  "Oh my gosh Veronica it's nice to see you again," I said with a fake smile.

"Yeah nice to see you too," she said with an obviously fake smile.

"What I was gonna tell you is that Avery is actually my girlfriend, we've actually been dating for three years now, but maybe we could be friends?" Zach said, I love this boy he so sweet.

"Why have her, when you can have me I'm so much better than-" and before she could finish I stepped in front of Zach and said,

"Sorry, girl, but you missed out, really tough, luck this boy is mine now, come on babe we gotta go," I said grabbing his hand and walking away.

And 'This is how the story ends' 

Author Note: Thank you so much for reading I really hope you enjoyed it. Please go read my other books please, I would love the support, byeeeeeeee<3

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