Chapter 4

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~Avery's POV~

I can't believe Zach, he literally sitting with Veronica F*CKING Smith, in our booth! I wanted to go over there, but I decided against it. I went over to the counter where you can also eat and sat down. Grubbers is a cool retro diner sort of design which is really cool.

I was fuming, but I was really starving so I sat down and looked at the menu

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I was fuming, but I was really starving so I sat down and looked at the menu. About 5 minutes later Mrs.Bellton came up to me with her gorgeous smile. "Hi Avery, I was wondering where you were, I saw Zach come in and when I saw that blonde girl and not you, I thought something was wrong," she said leaning against the counter.

You see Zach and I have been here so many times, we've become regulars, and Mrs.Bellton and her husband have been so kind to us. "Yeah, I didn't know he was here I was hungry and stopped by," I said with a sad type of smile. "Well, you wanna go sit with him-.." I interrupted and said, " Um no I'm good, I'm fine here," after that was said that I ordered.

I sat there for a while, and I heard them get up from their table so I turned my head slightly so they wouldn't see me, but unfortunately, luck wasn't on my side. "Avery?" I heard Zach say but I ignored him. "Ave's I know it's you, you're the only person I know with ombre tipped hair(AN: it can be any color you want)," he said to which I turned around.

Then as soon as Veronica saw my face she began to talk, "Zach you know her, she won't tell anyone, right?" I looked at her confused as to why she didn't wanna be seen with him, but I was too upset to care. "Zach why are you here with her at our spot, in our booth, without me?" I asked upset. 

"I know you are upset, but I 'll tell you later, ok?" and with that said he left after I responded with a faint 'whatever'. I payed for my bill and got in my car and headed home.

_Zach POV_

After that awkward conversation, I walked us to my car and got in then pulled off.

"She's not gonna say anything to anyone at school is she?" Veronica asked kinda panicked. I looked over to her and said, "Of course not Avery would never, but why does it matter?"

"I just want to keep us a secret for a little bit, ok?" I looked back towards the road and said a quiet ok, and drove her home, and went home myself.


~Avery POV~

I finally got home, I said hi to my mom and went up to my room and put away my clothes I bought away in my closet. As I was sitting on my bed and was thinking about what happened like, "he's a boy and she's just a girl" ugh can I make it anymore obvious?  Like why can't like me, but I guess it will never be me.

I mean what do they actually have in common he's a punk, and she does ballet, they literally have nothing in common.

AN: Aw, poor Avery hopefully she'll be ok, but anyway thank you so much for reading this chapter. Sorry that its a little short, but I hope you liked it, and unto the next time, Byeeee

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