Chapter 1

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I woke up and I felt my phone ringing beside me, and I didn't even look at the caller before I answered. "Hello?" I said in a groggy voice. "Hey Avery wake up I'm on my way to pick you up!" Yelled my best friend Zach into the phone.

"Zach it's way too damn early for you to be screaming," I said with a raspy voice. "Well, who cares get your ass up and I'll buy you, Mcdonald, for breakfast," as soon as he said that I was in the bathroom, and I said bye to him, and I could swear I heard him laughing.


After I got out of the bathroom with my undergarments on I walked to my walk-in closet, to see what I could wear today. It was kinda chilly outside, and I just bought some new jeans yesterday, so I'll just wear those today. I started to pull the outfit out of my closet, and after I finished getting dressed I looked in the mirror, and I looked really good.

 I started to pull the outfit out of my closet, and after I finished getting dressed I looked in the mirror, and I looked really good

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And for the last touch, I put on my white beanie. I heard a honk from outside, so I grabbed my backpack and skateboard, and heard out to the car that held my impatient best friend. I hopped into the car and gave Zach a hug across the middle console.

I put my stuff in the back and I buckled my seat belt and yelled "Onward to Mcdonalds!" To which he laughed and pulled out my driveway and towards Mcdonald.


We made it to school, I was enjoying my breakfast sandwich when I saw Zach putting on cologne to which I raised my eyebrow. "Why are you putting on cologne?" I asked as I stuffed my sandwich trash in my pocket. "Just trying something new," he said shrugging his shoulders and getting out of his car with his stuff.

I grabbed my bags and caught up to him and walk with him into the school. As we were walking we were talking about some tricks, "And I want to try the kickflip off the railing, you think you could help me, Zach," I said

"Zach, hello Zach," I turned and saw him drooling over Veronica f*cking Smith. He's been in love with her since 8th grade I really don't understand what he see's in her. But who cares not as he would ever date me anyway. And with that, I walked off to my locker leaving Zach to drool over Veronica, so I walked to my first class of the day which is English.

AN: Sorry for the short chapter, most of this story will be from Avery's and Zach's point of view, but mostly Avery's, so I'll tell you when I switch them. Until next time bye!

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