Chapter 6

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~Avery's POV~

We were walking in the hallways towards my locker, and Zach was talking about who knows what, we passed, you know who I'm not even going to say her name as we walked past I heard Zach speak, "Hey, Veronica do you need a ride after school too?" he asked getting closer.

"Huh why would she need a ride from you, punk?" one of Veronica minion said, making the whole group laugh, and walk away towards their classes. I walked over to my locker pulling Zach behind. I opened my locker and that's when he began to speak. 

"What do you think that was about?" he asked. 

"Who knows who cares, lets just get to class Zach," I said walking to my first class of the day.


I was in my third class of the day and I really had to use the bathroom, so I raised my hand and though the teacher didn't want me to I got up anyway, like who do you think you are thinking you can tell me not to go to the bathroom.

As I made it to the bathroom and found an empty stall, even though all of them were empty. After I was finished I was about to exit, but then I heard the door opened and I heard the b!tch squad enter. (that's what I call Veronica and her friends)

I wasn't going to leave, cause I wanted to know what they were gonna say. "Hey, Roni can I ask ya something?" one of them said. "Yeah, what?" she said looking in the mirror. 

"Are you actually like friends or something with that kid with the baggy clothes," and another said, "Yeah the one with the skateboard, the skater boy," she said laughing. I was so mad they were talking about Zach like that but I chose to stay quiet.

"What, huh, um no I was just asking for answers and that's it I would never actually talk to that punk, like yeah right," she said laughing it off. After that they talked and then they left, I walked out and went back to class.


3 Weeks later

"Wait you're going to do what now?!"  I asked Zach as we walked to his car. "I'm gonna go to her after her ballet practice, and I'm gonna ask her to prom," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. I was really sad he was going to ask her to prom, wish he ask me instead though." Will you record for me?" he said with a little bit of unneeded excitement.

"Yeah whatever," I said leaning against his car. He finished gathering the stuff he needed and he headed for the ballet practice room. As we got to the door you can tell they were wrapping up and the teachers had already left, so it was just the b!tch squad there. 

"Ok, you can start recording," Zach said as he opened the door and walked towards Veronica and her friends. He had the poster with flowers in his hands walking towards her with a grand smile on his face, and said "Will you Veronica go to prom with me?" he asked as a blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Yeah, sure," I saw a mischievous look on her face. Her friends looked shocked and so did I, and he was so happy he hugged her and then dragged me out skipping, yes you heard me right he SKIPPED.


We got outside, and he was so happy, "I can't believe she said yes," he said. "Neither can I," I said under my breath. "Anyway I need to go back to my locker, you dragged me outside so quickly, "I said walking back in.

"Alright I'll wait for you outside," he said walking back to his car. I started walking to my locker and I heard the b!tch squad came, so I hid behind a corner. "I can't believe you actually said yes to the punk!" one exclaimed. 

"Oh, you think I was actually going with him to Prom on Friday, it's Wednesday, there is no way I'm going as his date and I'm going with Duke, so I'll just tell Zach to meet me there so he won't have me pick me up and so he'll be dateless," when she finished they started to laugh.

That's when I came out, and said, "That's not cool Veronica, Zach really likes you, and what your doing is such a b!tchy thing to do," I said getting up in her face. "And what are you gonna tell him?" she asked.

"Oh, no he's been terrible to me ever since y'all started hanging out, but if your a good person I highly suggest you tell him the truth, but I mind business," and with that, I walked away and left them stunned behind me.

_Zach POV_

I can't believe she actually said yes to prom! I thought as I sat in my car really happy.

AN: I know this is a kinda short chapter, but wait for the next one it is gonna be good. So until the next chapter guys, byeeeeee!

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