20. You Luna-

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I laugh and tumble to the ground as a big black wolf tackles me. The wolf barks out a laugh and hops a few times adorably.

I laugh and scratch behind his ears.

Asher appears too, his brownish black coat covered in a thin layer of snow.

It was cold but I felt warm inside. Some part of me knew this was probably a dream.

I push up to my feet and turn, running away from Asher and Carter.

I laugh, the sun reflecting a white glow off of the snow.

Everything was so gorgeous. The pine needles were covered in a sparkly frost and the forest was silent.

Peaceful, and all ours.

I jump behind a tree and ball up a snowball. I throw the snowball and laugh as it hits one of the wolfs.

I run away, laughing my head off.

I gasp as I trip over a branch that had been hidden by snow.

Just as my hands connect with the ground things change.

The forest was still the same. Snowy and but now it's beauty was haunting.

It was dark and their was a bright full moon overhead.

I gasp, seeing my breath fog the air.

"Kole?" My voice echos out, coated with fear.

"Nic?" My voice hits the trees, finding no one.

It's like I was watching the scene unfold from above, no longer in my own body.

I see my own muddy brown eyes meet mine. It was like I knew I was here watching but my eyes peered right through me, as though I was invisible. 

I tried to move but I didn't have a body. Just viewing, not a entity.

I hear the snap of a twig a few feet away.

I look away from myself, who for some reason looked paler, almost ghostly in the moonlight.

A woman with dark caramel skin steps out. She reminds me of the blonde man who made me pass out.

They had very similar features.

Her jaw jutted out slightly. But she didn't seem as unusual. It almost suited her. The slight droop of her eyes and the curve of her smile.

She unsettled me for other reasons.

I try to yell and scream, wanting to tell myself to run, as I was positive this woman was a witch.

But no sound passes my lips.

I see myself stand tall. She squares her shoulders. And for a split second I almost do a double take.

Was that me? I looked strong. And brave. Like a warrior.

My pale lips twitch as thought some sick twisted joke was being shared with myself.

I wish I was in on whatever joke was being played because this was not funny.

"You're alone?" The woman's voice was a harsh hiss that sent a chill through my bones.

"Yeah." I say, and my voice was strong despite the defeat in my eyes.

Where were my mates?

I try to scream for them, but again no sound.

"Making my job easier I take it?" The woman chuckles.

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