19. Yet-

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"Nothing appears to be wrong." The doctor says.

"She passed out." I remind him, my tone sharp. He nods.

"I said nothing appears to be wrong. Not that nothing is wrong." He says, a nervous sweat on his forehead.

I hear Kole kick something.

Ocean spray. Ocean spray.

"Well look harder." I snap. It had been about twenty minutes and she had yet to wake up.

I knew we shouldn't have let her in there.

Her own stubbornness. And our stupidity.

Carter had vanished. He tried to worm his way into her head and help heal her with his wolf genes. Asher had done the same.

And yet she was still not awake...

Ocean spray. Ocean spray. Ocean spray!

"Look again." I snap at the pack doctor.

"Yes sir but-" I cut him off.

"She's your Luna now. I suggest you find a way to fix this because you share her fate. She dies so do you." I spit.

He nods and turns back to our mate. His hands were shaking.

"I'm going to question that bastard. I want to know how he got past the magic suppressor." I grit out.

"I'm coming too." Kole says but the pain of leaving her alone weighs heavily.

"Stay. I don't need help." I say over my shoulder.

I was willing to take my chances with the magic suppressor as long as it meant figuring out why my mate was sick.

The ride down feels like forever.

The elevator creeps down inch by inch, as if knowing I was getting weaker by the second.

I push into the room and make eye contact with the filth.

He peers back curiously.

When nothing happens I remove my knife slowly.

"Ooh." He coos, unaffected. I sit down on the bench and twirl my knife slowly, knowing she would have hated if I just started slicing.

She wasn't even here, why wouldn't I just stab him and be done with it?

If he didn't talk he'd be dead and either way we wouldn't have to deal with him.

For some reason I can't go straight to torture.

"Want to tell me what you did, or should I force you too?" I ask, preferring I got it with force.

"Hmmm I think I'd like to be manhandled." He says with a smirk. 

I nod, glancing over the cuffs that took away his power and held him to the far wall.

"Witch blood could come in handy." I agree with a smirk. My fist connects with his cheek and I feel a pleasant sting on my hand.

He grunts as I slice his chest.

"Want to keep your eyes or naw?" I chuckle.

He doesn't cave, which pisses me off.

When Carter returns to my head and hour later I pause, gripping my knife tightly. He was weak. Drained.

To tired to even talk.


I turn, almost running from the room before I remember I'm not alone.

"When your decide to talk I'll be around." I mumble over my shoulder before leaving. I think my voice was shaking though.

I watch the elevator go up to slowly.

What if she was dead? No. I'd have felt that even if she wasn't marked yet.

She might still be asleep and maybe everything was okay.... but my gut still turns over and over.

I run into my room and see her sitting up in bed. My brother was sitting beside her while the doctor examined her pupils.

I sigh with relief.

I take her in carefully.

Her face was pale, her eyes were wide with fear and her full lips were parted in horror.

Then I remember I was still covered in blood.

Kolton pulls her face away and sends me a look.

'Shower.' He says sternly. I wince, lookingher over again.

I didn't want to leave but I force myself to separate. It wouldn't be good for her to have to heal and look at a crazy person covered in blood.

The shower doesn't relax me, but maybe it's because it's quick and icy cold.

After my shower I make my way toward the hospital wing, thinking of a way to explain myself.

When I finally make it I feel my shoulders relax a little.

She was laying back against Kolton who was holding her against his chest.

"Hello bella. How are you feeling?" I ask. She looks at me, her eyes flicking over my body as if to find any trace of blood.

"Fine. You?" She pats the bed. I let out a breath of relief and sit beside her.

"Asher and Carter helped." She says. I nod. "They talked to me while I was asleep which was nice. Less scary."

She pauses, biting her lip.

"Is he okay?" She questions worriedly. I nod and link our fingers.

"He's asleep I think. Silent for the most part." I try not to let her in on how weak he was.

She frowns, obviously detecting seeing through me.

Her brown eyes cloud with more worry.

'Make sure she knows we'd do it again. Her guilt won't help the recovery.' Carter demands.

I chuckle. He had fallen just as hard I take it.

"He wants you to know he doesn't regret it." I say. She nods and tugs at the covers.

"Am I going to suddenly combust? Or am I taken over by a witch?" She blurts.

I tense and Kole tightens his arms around her.

"No. Long term spells wouldn't cause sudden combustion." I force a chuckle.

"Then something worse?" She asks weakly. I shrug.

"Maybe not. Possibly just a small spell that caused some sickness." I say, though that made no sense and even she knew it.

She frowns.

"But my whole arm burned." That catches our attention. The doctor who was packing his stuff pauses.

That was odd. Most spells that involved fire... had fire. Her arm was free of burns though which meant it had to have been internal damage. 

"Where at Luna Kathrine?" He asks.

"Kate." She corrects. "And my arm." She waves her left arm around. He examines it carefully.

It appeared fine.

"Hmm." He thinks. "Nothings wrong?" She asks hopefully. He chuckles and nods.

"Nothings wrong." He repeats. But we all heard the words hovering in the air.

The words that meant more was coming. Nothing was wrong...

For now.

Yay shortest chapter yet... not sure how I feel about it. Whatdya think?

Lyyy I hope u all have a great weekend!

<3 love and kisses

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