10. Wolf den-

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How to walk into a wolf den and not make a fool of myself...?

I take a breath and stare at the massive hotel. It was friggin huge. I see a pool hanging hundreds of feet up.

Their had to be at least a thousand rooms. The building was glass and concrete or something and it looked modern.

Their was a literal waterfall flowing from the pool hanging above the forest into the garden area.

They owned this? No way...

I gasp when we step inside.

They chuckle.

It was fancy. I see one of those bowl of matches on reception. A woman was on the phone, typing and a man was smiling at us kindly. They both had on matching uniforms that weren't ugly like most work uniforms.

The lighting wasn't florissant but dim and almost sensual.  I hear faint Lofi beats or something.

I inhale deeply. Dude it even smelled like heaven! 

"Hello boss's." The man behind the desk says casually.

He looks at me and grins. I smile too, trying to match his enthusiasm.

"I'm Kathrine." I say. He nods. "I'm Pauline that weirdo is Mike." The girl says with a grin, hanging up the phone.

I smile and nod. "Cool we best be going. Do you know where our parents are?" Dominic asks cooly.

They nod.

"She told me to send you up. Fifty first floor." I feel my eyes widen.

That was forty floors to many. I flip as they tug me into the elevator. I see a couple on it, both in black party masks.

I raise an eyebrow at Kole but he just shrugs. He hits a button with his knuckle.

"We're thirty if you don't mind." The woman purrs seductively.

"Room thirteen if you have an interest." She adds with a whisper. I roll my eyes as Kole takes a key.

I was tempted to hit every single button on the wall and make them wait until she learned her lesson but that felt childish.

I hit her floor then take Koles hand, making eye contact for a brief moment.

She laughs quietly and pulls her boyfriend out.

Kole tosses her card into the trash and sends me a eye roll.

"What?" I ask innocently. "You make a face when you get jealous." He comments simply. I scoff but eye the mirror on the far wall to see if I had the word written on my forehead.

Dominic tugs me out of the elevator onto a suite. It was massive, basically a whole house.

Their was a massive marble top kitchen counters and a amazing view.

A woman jumps up from the couch. She had Dominic's eyes.

"Hello bella! Awe. Look at you. More beautiful that I ever could have dreamt!" She gasps. I blush.

"Mother please don't openly admit to dreaming about our girlfriend." Dominic begs.

I laugh quietly. She scoffs and grabs my hand.

"Drake! Get in here!" She yells excitedly.

"Oh wait till he sees you. Just gorgeous." She coos. I blush again and smile.

"Thanks you too." She laughs and turns. 

I see a man who looked like a older version of Kole. He had Koles eyes and freckles that were more prominent. And he had the same messy hair.

"Oh wow you're here. She's been crying wolf for two hours to prepare me for the real thing." He says with amusement.

"And you're lucky I did. Look at her. An angel if I ever saw one." She coos.

"Mom she's uncomfortable." Dominic tugs me back into his chest.

"Are you uncomfortable dear?" She asks me.

"She's to polite to say bella." Mr Shreeve says. I see where Dominic got the nickname.

"Well fine." She sends the boys an eye roll and I smile.

"Oh! The girls! I forgot about them. Oh stay right where you are they have to meet you." She says frantically. She hands me her wine glass.

Kolton sends me an apologetic look but I loved this. I'd never been so warmly welcomed.

Dominic smiles into my hair. He sits on the back of the couch and pulls me to him, his lips brushing my shoulder.

I shiver. He chuckles quietly.

"Girls are on their way." She claps her hands twice.

"Now we need to know more about you." She says. She fills the wine glass I was holding.

I start to hand it back but she moves to get herself a new one. I hear Mr Shreeve chuckle. 

He takes it from me and I send him a smile.

"How old are you?" She asks me. "Eighteen." I say. She gasps.

"Oh thank goodness you didn't drink that wine. I thought you were in your twenty's." She comments. I nod.

"I think it's the heels they make me feel older and powerful." I say. She grins.

"Why do you think I wear them." She says to her husband. He shrugs.

"Cause you like being taller? Isn't that the sole purpose of heels besides to break toes?" She scoffs and sends him a smile. He catches the hand she try's to swat him with.

They looked so in love. If the witch ever showed my father affection it was in private I guess. I never saw them even kiss.

I hear the elevator ding as it arrives. I see two identical girls step out.

They were gorgeous. They were both probably five seven. And they had shined dark brown hair. The one on the right had shoulder length hair while the other had long hair, almost to her elbows.

They were model thin and toned. They both had the same eyes as Dominic.

Geez how did one family luck out with all the genes?

They both grin and the one with longer hair revealed dimples.

"Hey!" She laughs as she hugs me. "Hmm you smell nice." She comments.

"Yeah. Like flowers." The second adds in a airy light tone.

"Does everyone have to be so strange?" Dominic asks.

"It's not like we came in with paws." The one with the deeper airy tone says. She sounded smart and sophisticated.

The other had a almost musical voice that was on the higher side.

"I'm Ariel." The one with a musical voice and dimples says. I shake her hand.

"Alexandrea" the other says. She holds her hand out formally like I was supposed to kiss it.

I start to take it but Kole stops me.

"That's all. We should take you on a tour." Dominic says.

"Awe did we embarrass you?" Alexandrea coos. I snort and I see Kole flick her forehead. He tugs me out to the elevator and pushes the button for the top floor.

He had to enter a passcode to get up. Dude a penthouse? How?

"Now for the fun part bella, your party." I laugh and shake my head, burring my face in Koles chest. He chuckles.

When the doors ding open I hear shuffling then exited voices.

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