14. Hopefully-

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My fathers reaction was instantaneous.

Seeing a boy burst from your daughters closet was probably never ideal. But in this senecio it only made the anger in his eyes flare.

I quickly step in front of Kole.

Geez they were alphas who never had to age, couldn't they just sit inside a closet for ten minutes!?!

"What the hell is he doing in your closet Kathrine?" My dad roars.

"I'm sorry sir th-" I cut Kole off.

"I needed help packing. And since I assumed you weren't going to do it I asked a friend."

His blue eyes move to me.

"You are not allowed to have boys over!" He yells. I snort.

"Sorry I didn't think the witch had a problem with boys. She was looking mine over at the graduation party." I point over my shoulder with my thumb to Kole.

My dads hand connects with my cheek so fast I don't have time to react.

I didn't feel the sting until after.

After Dominic burst from the closet and started beating my father.

After Keira pulled me aside.

After the screaming.

And after my tears started to fall.

Kole was holding my father while Dominic started hitting him.

"Stop!" I scream, finally having found my voice.

"Nic stop!" I shout. Keira pulls me further away from the brawl.

"Stop it!" I shout. Nic glances over at me, his eyes a dark black. Then he stops, having seen my fear and the tears.

He steps closer and I step away.

His knuckles were as bloody as my dads face.

"Get out!" I shout without thinking. "Now!" I point to the window.

"Bella-" I wave a hand.

"When your cooled off." I say. I didn't want to shout and scream at him, and if we tried to talk now I would.

I would say things I'd regret and that wasn't who I was. And I know they'd take my insults and probably never return them. It wasn't any fun hitting a punching bag who just sat there and took the hits so willingly, as if bringing you relief was what really mattered.

"Now." I add when they don't move.

The witch was calling the cops and Carl was gaping at the boys.

"Fine." Kole says. He grabs Nic's shoulder and pulls him away. They send my father another look but don't say anything.

My dad was against my footboard, his face stained with so much blood I didn't know what was injured.

His white shirt was now crimson and the white carpet was brownish red.

I was already dizzy around all this blood. My head was spinning.

I step forward to help him anyway.

"Stop. Stay the hell away from me." He snaps harshly. I feel hurt grip my throat and prick at my eyes.

I should have probably left with my mates. The cops were already here, so I wonder how close they were.

I see them talking with Kolton and Dominic.


I turn and flee from my room.

"Not so fast girlie stay and face the consequences!" I ignore the witch and burst out of the house.

I jog across the lawn to the boy's side.

"Ma'am you have to take a step back." The man says. I frown.

I was like a foot away. I take one step back.

"Go inside bella." Dominic says cooly.

The duo of cops turn to the boys.

They shake hands and I swear the boys hand them money.

That didn't set right with me but I don't comment since the witch comes out sobbing.

She was fine a moment ago. She collapses in one cops arms.

"They beat my husband!" She shrieks.
"We know ma'am calm down tell us what happened."

After about an hour they leave and the witch doesn't press charges. The boys pay her off, I'm sure.

I watch the cops give my dad a life to the hospital and the witch says I'm not allowed to go.

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose as the car drives away.

"Bella, are you okay?" I turn to yell at Dominic but it wasn't him.

"Oh. Hi Alexandrea." I say with confusion.

"Ariel." She corrects with a smirk. I blush and shrug apologetically.

"The boys asked me to help you pack?" She glances around, phrasing it like a question.

"Oh you don't have too." I say quickly. She shrugs and walks into the house without answering.

She drops the folded up boxes she had down on the floor and grabs a lamp.

"So we just start packing?" She asks with a smile.

I nod. "But that's not my lamp. My stuffs in my room." I say. She snorts.

"Are they going to miss this lamp?" She asks in a condescending tone. I shrug.

"No probably not." I say. She nods.

"Okay then pack it. I doubt they'll miss the flat screen either we could take it off their hands so they don't have to sell it themselves."

She flashes me a grin and I laugh.

"Yeah and the car." I joke. She laughs.

Her light spirit lightens the mood and with her superhuman strength she helps Keira and I pack and move the boxes into a truck.

"I want to quit." Keira announces when we hit the halfway point. My eyes widen.

"You don't have to do that-" I start.

"Hush it. I want too. The man is vile. He doesn't deserve me." She tosses her hair over her shoulder.

I laugh and she flashes me a grin.

"But seriously. I'm handing in my two weeks. I already have it typed out." She says.

I raise an eyebrow. "What? It's not like I don't dream of leaving this place too." She snorts.

We laugh.

"Well I help manage a hotel and the head mail positions available if you'd like to apply. It's where Kate is working too. They'd love you there." Ariel says.

"Oh you're working where now?" Keira asks me accusingly. I wince.

"Did I forget to mention?" I ask innocently. She smirks. "You did." She laughs.

"Well as long as I'm not getting special treatment." Keira drawls.

"Of corse not. We'd make you wait in the lobby an extra ten minutes just to interview before everyone else."Ariel says. Keira snorts and nods.

"Deal." They shake hands.

I grin. "Yay! The girls together again!" I yell. She laughs as I do my happy dance.

We pack and manage to get out before the others return.

I was scared. And quite frankly uncertain about my future but I knew I had the boys to support me.


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